Brooklyn visiting a coffee plantation at the base of a volcano in San Miguel Escobar.

Would you recommend this experience to other students?

“I would absolutely recommend ASB to other Carleton students. It’s important to learn about the world and people outside your own circle, and to gain a greater perspective of various cultures, societies, economic structures, customs, and beliefs. You also get to make friends which is a bonus!”

– Brooklyn, ASB Guatemala (2024)

ASB team learning about coffee production process from ex-guerilla fighters who now harvest organic coffee in Santa Anita.

Why did you participate in ASB?

“I thought of ASB as a once-in-a-lifetime chance to travel with fellow university students to learn about the Guatemalan culture and be integrated in their community, where the lives of many are centered around coffee production. I saw this experience as an opportunity for educational and personal growth, as well as a special chance to travel with new people interested in similar aspects of life.”

– Hannah, ASB Guatemala (2024)

ASB team going out to eat authentic Guatemalan dinner in Antigua.

Would you recommend this experience to other students?

Yes 100%! Not only is it very educational but it also helps students create a bond with other like minded students. People they would have never met due to differences in interests and programs, and the friendships last forever.”

– Gloria, ASB Guatemala (2024)