What is Alternative Spring Break (ASB)?

Santa Anita Guatemala, 2024

ASB is an experiential learning program that concludes with a week-long trip during the winter reading week each academic year. Students spent months actively preparing for their trip by conducting research on their destination, attending pre-departure sessions, participating in local community-engaged learning, and fundraising for their trip.

In 2024, a group of students had the opportunity to learn about free, fair and direct trade while picking coffee alongside local farmers in Guatemala. Partnering with Operation Groundswell, participants travelled across Guatemala and learned about the impact the coffee industry has on climate change and the supply chain.

Why Participate in Alternative Spring Break?

Reflect on yourself, your experiences and your position within society.

Apply what you’ve learned in your studies to real-world experiences

Share what you’ve learned with your own communities and help be a part of social change.

Work alongside your peers and community partners in a meaningful and impactful way.

Learn about global issues while engaging with international communities

Build networks with individuals, organizations and communities across the world.

For more information and highlights on the program, click here to read stories from past ASB participants.

ASB 2024-2025

Information about the destinations and experiences offered for ASB 2025 will be available in early August. For information on previous destinations, click here.

Apply for ASB

Applications for Team Leaders and Participants will be available in September.

Questions can be directed to asb@carleton.ca