1. Time estimate
  2. Learning Goals
  3. Accessibility Goals Checklist
    1. General
    2. Text
    3. Images
    4. Videos
    5. Tables
  4. Conclusion

Time estimate

The estimated time to complete this module depends entirely on how big your website is, and how many changes it needs to make it more accessible. We encourage you to save this checklist, or bookmark the page and use it as a resource while implementing your accessibility plan.

Learning Goals

  • Using the knowledge you’ve acquired in this training, review your current website or plan the creation of a new website with the checklist of accessibility goals we’ve prepared below

Accessibility Goals Checklist

Below is a checklist of accessibility goals for your website. These can be used to plan the creation of an accessible website, or to review an existing site for accessibility.

You can also download a fillable file version of this checklist:


  • You have an accessibility plan that documents:
    • How those on your team who create web content are educated on accessibility best practices
    • How you will ensure all content currently on your website is as accessible as possible
    • How you will ensure all new content added to your website is as accessible as possible
  • You are aware of the accessibility needs of your audience and have a means of being notified if those needs change, or if they are not being met
  • Your navigation makes sense. Review your menu navigation with this article on menu best practices.
    • There should be multiple ways to access a page on the site (menu, links, buttons, etc.)


  • Page and content titles are descriptive and relevant
  • You are using proper heading structure
  • Long paragraphs are broken up (no longer than 50 words, generally)
    • You can use bullet points to break up long paragraphs
  • Sentences are short, simple, and devoid of filler language
  • There are no sentences in all caps
  • Italics are not overused
  • Anchor text is descriptive
  • PDFs and external sites open in a new tab


  • Alt text is used properly where needed, and omitted where images are purely decorative
  • There are no images that convey important information (ex. instructions), where this information is not replicated in the body or alt text


  • All videos have subtitles/closed captioning
  • Videos can be navigated using keyboard functions
  • Transcripts for videos are provided


  • Tables use appropriate headings
  • Tables are not being used to format text


Congratulations, you’ve completed our Accessibility Training!

While we’re happy to have had you take our training, your commitment to accessibility should not stop here: use the information in this training to review or create your website with accessibility in mind. You can also do further research on accessibility best practices using our “Further Resources” sections in each module, or by searching for guides yourself.

If you want to help us improve this training, please complete our feedback form linked below!

You can also reach out to us at charlottebradley@cunet.carleton.ca with questions, feedback, or to request an accessibility review of your website.