Happy Halloween!

Below are upcoming events as well as announcements that may be of interest. (A bulletin will be sent out each week with upcoming events and announcements.) Departmental events are also posted on our website.



***The History Department’s annual book sale will be coming at the end of November. More details to come…***

TODAY: October 31, 2018 – African Studies Brown Bag: Annette Isaac, Adjunct Research Professor and former Instructor in the Department of Political Science at Carleton, “Missing the Cues. Tales of a Newcomer’s Life in Canada”

All Brownbag talks take place on a Wednesday, in The Discovery Centre (room 482 MacOdrum Library), 1:00pm – 2:30pm.


November 1, 2018 – Climate Change and the EU with Arne Lietz, Member of the European Parliament

“The Fight Against Climate Change at the Level of the European Union: A New Era for Climate Diplomacy!”, on Thursday, November 1, 2018. It is taking place from 10:00AM-11:30AM, in Room 482 Discovery Centre, MacOdrum Library.

Presentation by Arne Lietz, Member of the European Parliament (S&D Group).

While the United States is counterproductive and several Canadian provinces are retreating, the federal government is unwrapping a plan to combat CO₂ pollution with its new carbon tax. In the meantime, the EU has embarked on its own ambitious agenda to set and reach GGE reductions in a multilateral framework. Are we witnessing a moment of crisis or an opportunity for climate diplomacy?

Welcome and comments provided by H.E. Peteris Ustubs, Ambassador, Delegation of the European Union to Canada.

Following the presentation will be an open discussion. Registration is requested to attend the event. Please go to the CES EU-Canada Network website for the registration link to the Eventbrite webpage.


November 2, 2018 – What can we learn from the South American Global Political Economy (GPE)?

Research Puzzles of Global Insertions, Inequalities and Political Instability

  • When: Friday, November 2 from 3:00 – 4:00 pm
  • Where: Dunton Tower, Room 1524

A talk by Dr. Ernesto Vivares, sponsored by the Latin American and Caribbean Studies program.

Dr. Vivares studies Global Political Economy focusing on the socio-historical relationship among development, inequality and global insertions of South America and other regions within the changing global order. He holds a PhD from the University of Sheffield UK and is the head of the Department of International Studies and Communication at FLACSO Ecuador. Author of “Financing Regional Growth and the Inter-American Development Bank”, London: Routledge (2012); Editor of “Exploring the New South American Regionalism (NSAR)” Surrey: Ashgate (2013). He is currently the new editor of the Routledge Handbook of IPE 2019.


November 5, 2018 – Energy Transition in the European Union: Central and Eastern European Perspectives

Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence public lecture with Dr. Matúš Mišík on “Energy Transition in the European Union: Central and Eastern European Perspectives” on November 5, 2018.

Registration is required to attend. For more information and to register, please visit: https://carleton.ca/ces/cu-events/save-the-date-for-lecture-on-energy-transition-in-the-eu/


November 6, 2018 – Lecture on Terrorism in Russia and Foreign Fighters in Eurasia

You are invited to attend a lecture by Dr. Jean-François Ratelle on “The Terrorist Threat in Russia and the Return of Russian-speaking Foreign Fighters in Eurasia.”

Dr. Jean-François Ratelle teaches conflict studies and human rights at the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa and is an adjunct professor at EURUS.  He recently co-edited a volume entitled Networked Insurgencies and Foreign Fighters in Eurasia. This lecture is brought to you by The Institute of  European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies at Carleton University.
The lecture will be on Tuesday 6th November 2018 from 13:00 – 14:30 in room 481 MacOdrum Library,Discovery Centre, Carleton University.
Registration is not required to attend and the event is free. Light refreshments will be served prior to the lecture.


November 6, 2018 – The Past Becomes the Future

We are pleased to invite you to the Seminar “The Past Becomes the Future: Strengthening Communities Through Documentary Heritage” which will be held on November 6, 2018, at Library and Archives Canada, 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario, in the Alfred Pellan Room, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

This seminar will be an opportunity for your staff and students to network with documentary heritage organizations from across Canada as well as providing information about the funding opportunities provided to cultural institutions by the Government of Canada. 

Speakers will include:

  • Recipients of small and large contributions of LAC’s Documentary Heritage Communities Program (DHCP), who will discuss the development and implementation of their projects, including obstacles they encountered and best practices they would like to share;
  • Subject matter advisors, who will discuss what they look for in project applications; and
  • Representatives from other Government of Canada organizations, who will present their documentary heritage funding programs.

Please see the event webpage for more information about the sessions and a complete list of speakers.

There is no registration fee for this event.

As seating is limited, please confirm your attendance at the Seminar, by registering online by Thursday, November 1, 2018. Reservations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you cannot attend in person, you are welcome to follow us on Twitter @libraryarchives / @biblioarchives. Information about webcasting will be posted shortly on our website.


November 7, 2018 – Documenting War: Journalists and Storytelling from Conflict Zones

7:00 PM – 8:30 PM EST

Barney Danson Theatre, Canadian War Museum, 1 Vimy Place, Ottawa, ON K1A 0M8

Presented by Carleton University’s School of Journalism & Communication in collaboration with the Canadian War Museum

The second annual Peter Stursberg Foreign Correspondents Lecture will be delivered by Janine di Giovanni, a Senior Fellow at Yale University’s Jackson Institute of Global Affairs and a Professor of Practice, Human Rights.

PLEASE REGISTER HERE FOR THIS FREE EVENT: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/2nd-annual-peter-stursberg-foreign-correspondents-lecture-with-janine-di-giovanni-tickets-50457954099


November 7, 2018 – Invitation for the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht

The Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship (https://carleton.ca/ches/) will launch the 2018 Holocaust Education Month on November 7th at 7:00 p.m. with a keynote address delivered by Dr Michael Berenbaum, a leading Holocaust expert and one of the founders of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

And a Special Premiere Performance by Niv Ashkenazy: In tribute to the six million whose voices were silenced forever. Mr Ashkenazy, a virtuoso and classically trained student of Itzhak Perlman, will perform on a “Violin of Hope”, that was salvaged from the ashes of the Holocaust and lovingly restored by Amnon Weinstein in Israel.

Wednesday, November 7th, at 7:00pm at the Kehillat Beth Israel Synagogue, 1400 Coldrey Avenue, Ottawa

Please RSVP by Nov 1st, 2018 to: chesatcarleton@gmail.com


November 8, 2018 – CU in the City – Nature and the Happy Path to Sustainability

When: Thursday, November 8, 2018, 6:30 p.m.

Where: Happy Goat Coffee, 35 Rue Laurel St 6:30 p.m.

Please RSVP: https://carleton.ca/fass/2018/cu-in-the-city-nature-and-the-happy-path-to-sustainability/

Light refreshments will be served.

Dr. John Zelenski Professor, Department of Psychology

Ottawa has a fortunate location with many public green spaces, urban parks, and rivers. Although we sometimes overlook it, this ‘nearby nature’ can be a source of well-being for individuals and the broader community. I will describe recent research, conducted by the Carleton University Happiness Lab and researchers around the world, on the potential benefits of nature. These include positive emotions, prosocial behaviour, health, and restoration from stress and mental fatigue. Beyond time actually spent in nature, developing a subjective sense of connection with the natural world is associated with many of the same desirable outcomes, and motivation to behave sustainably. I will consider some of the small things we can do to incorporate nature into daily life, with the goal of making happier people and a healthier community and planet.


November 8-9, 2018 – RMC History Symposium 2018

The program for the Royal Military College’s history symposium, Manpower and the Armies of the British Empire in Two World Wars (8-9 November 2018) is set and we have a great schedule lined up this year!

More details and registration info is available at http://rmcclub.ca. Fees: Regular $185, Students $125. Includes registration, lunch and coffee breaks for both days, and dinner at the Fort Frontenac Officer’s Mess on 8 November.

Recommended Hotel, Holiday Inn Kingston Waterfront, 2 Princess Street, Kingston, ON K7L. Preferred rate of $124 for a single occupancy room, breakfast included, available until 1 October. See attached poster.


November 9, 2018 – Shannon Lecture with Kisha Supernant, “Good Intentions, Bad Archaeology: The uses and abuses of Canadian archaeology against Indigenous people”

The lecture will take place in room 2017 Dunton Tower (20th floor) starting at 1:00 p.m. followed by a reception at 2:30 p.m.

Lecture abstract: In the lands currently called Canada, archaeology is often used to tell stories about the history of this place, but often at the expense of Indigenous nations. Throughout our disciplinary history, archaeologists have positioned themselves as experts on and stewards of the past for the good of all, even though those pasts are sometimes not our own. In this talk, I explore how archaeology in Canada has been and continues to be part of the settler colonial state, centering knowledge from archaeologists and heritage practitioners rather than Indigenous peoples. I provide examples of how archaeological research has marginalized Indigenous voices, even when archaeologists have good intentions, and make some suggestions for how we can move toward a better archaeology for the future.

November 14, 2018 – African Studies Brown Bag: Logan Cochrane, Banting Fellow, Global and International Studies, Carleton University, “Bottom-up Change in a Top-down Government: Changing Policy and Law in Ethiopia”

All Brownbag talks take place on a Wednesday, in The Discovery Centre (room 482 MacOdrum Library), 1:00pm – 2:30pm.


November 20, 2018 – “Historicizing Indigenous Dispossession” and “Transnational Indigenous Feminisms”

Please see attached poster for details on these two events with Dr. Cheryl Suzacktaking place on November 20th. Sponsored by the Department of English Language and Literature and the School of Indigenous and Canadian Studies.


November 23, 2018 – Shannon Lecture with Katherine Cook, “There is no ‘net neutrality’ in digital archaeology”

The lecture will take place in room 2017 Dunton Tower (20th floor) starting at 1:00 p.m. followed by a reception at 2:30 p.m.

Lecture abstract: Colonisation, at its core, is the extraction of resources from those without power. What then gets extracted in digital colonialism and what does this have to do with archaeology in Canada? Considering the critiques, questions, and fallout regarding digital corporations, capitalism, and politics over the course of the past year, we are ever more acutely aware of the much darker underbelly of the digital world. Yet we still act as if digital technology is ‘the answer!’ to solving those ‘Great Challenges’ facing archaeology today, namely the lack of equity, inclusivity, access and the unwavering manifestations of (neo)colonialism. This discussion will consider the realities of digitally disrupting archaeology, the opportunities it presents but also the dangers it poses to argue that not all data, not all audiences, and not all archaeologists are treated equal in digital practice. Digital archaeology will not save us from bad archaeology, so we must decolonize the digital first.

November 23, 2018 – Honouring Agnes Calliste: Innovative Critical Race and Intersectional Perspectives in Canadian Sociology

When: November 23, 2018 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Where: 270 Residence Commons
Who: Anyone, but space is limited. RSVP required.

*Continental breakfast and lunch included

The symposium will honour the scholarship of Dr. Agnes Miranda Calliste, 74, who spent her career as a Professor of Sociology at St. Francis Xavier University, and passed on Friday, August 31, 2018.

Dr. Calliste, born in Grenada, was a nationally and internationally celebrated academic. Her scholarship focused on the complex interrelation of migration, work, race, ethnicity and gender in Canada. Her ground-breaking interdisciplinary research with African-Canadian railway porters and Caribbean-Canadian nurses and domestic workers explored under-researched dimensions of our social history.

The symposium, composed of three chaired panels with continental breakfast and lunch included, will be held on November 23rd, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., at Residence Commons room 270.
This event is co-sponsored by the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Migration and Diaspora Studies, Women’s and Gender Studies, and Latin American and Caribbean Studies.
The event is free and open to the public, but registration is required.

November 30, 2018 – Shannon Lecture with Morag M. Kersel , “The Pathways of Pots: The movement of Early Bronze Age vessels from the Dead Sea Plain, Jordan”

The lecture will take place in room 2017 Dunton Tower (20th floor) starting at 1:00 p.m. followed by a reception at 2:30 p.m.

Lecture abstract: What is the pathway of a pot? How do Early Bronze Age (3600–2000 BCE) pots from Jordan end up in Canadian institutions – and why does it matter? These particular pots are from sites along the Dead Sea Plain in Jordan, which have been identified as the “Cities of the Plain” mentioned in Genesis. One of the sites, Bab adh-Dhra’ is thought to be, by some, the original city of sin – biblical Sodom. “Who doesn’t want a pot from the city of sin?” declared one interviewee when I asked why they were purchasing (legally) what most would consider a fairly unattractive, non-descript pot. Over 15 years of investigation have led to interesting insights related to why individuals and institutions want to own artifacts from the Holy Land?

Tracing how pots move (both legally and illegally) involves archaeological survey, aerial investigations using unpiloted aerial vehicles, archival research, and ethnographic interviews in order to understand better the competing claims for these archaeological objects and the often deleterious effects of demand on the landscape. In this talk, I will look at how artifacts go from the mound to the market to the mantelpiece or museum vitrine and why this matters.




Carleton University’s Annual United Way Campaign

Each year, Carleton runs a campaign to raise funds for the United Way.

In 2017, we raised $113,276 for United Way! Thank you to everyone who donated!

Your donation will help kids be all that they can be; move people from poverty to possibility; help people in crisis and create healthy people and strong communities. 100% of your donation stays in Ottawa.

Donations through Payroll Deduction can be set up through Carleton Central (found under the Employee Services tab). A couple of dollars per pay adds up!

Check the website for more details about the campaign and events happening around campus.

Job Posting – Assistant Professor – Transnational History

More details on this posting from the University of Toronto can be found here: https://utoronto.taleo.net/careersection/10050/jobdetail.ftl?job=1804537&tz=GMT-04%3A00&fbclid=IwAR15xIJAXEka6wkl6JRvk8tfX3v11kJbiv_psW27mC99zx0BaVFHczJcQ6E

Job Posting – Tenure-track, Assistant Professor, North American/Applied History

The Department of History at Saint Mary’s University invites applications for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level. We welcome applications from candidates specializing in any area of North American history who can contribute to our growing strength in Applied/Public History. The department particularly encourages applications from candidates who are able to contribute to the Indigenization of the curriculum and the university.

See attached PDF for more details.

Calls for Papers – HEART: Humanities Education and Research in Teaching

This international conference seeks to build capacities in scholarly teaching and supports research around learning in higher education within the field of the humanities. Standing at the intersection of disciplinary knowledge and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), this conference makes the case for the classroom experience as a rich site of knowledge production and, in doing so, challenges the typical disciplinary division of “real” research from its less-valued cousin, “just” teaching.

How can we understand classrooms as generative spaces brimming with fresh insights into the cultural, historical, and critical importance of the humanities? We believe that this is a crucial question in the fraught global climate of the 21st century, and higher education is one key space where we help foster and support future global citizens.

In exploring both the delight and the rich sites of research in teaching, this conference advocates for a pedagogical-scholarly practice grounded in and motivated by our experiences in forging intentionally designed, ethical, and curiosity-driven classrooms.

All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer review process and we are working a special journal issue on teaching and learning in the humanities to publish some of the papers following the conference.

Submit easily with our online platform at: https://form.jotform.com/53208388541256

For more details on the submission guidelines, the conference, and the deadlines, please visit: www.heartandsoulsconference.com

To subscribe or unsubscribe to the Roundup email newsletter, please email tanya.schwartz@carleton.ca.