Photo of Natalie Hunter

Natalie Hunter

Candidate, M.A. History

Degrees:B.A. (University of King's College)

Current Program

M.A. History (2014-2016)


Dr. Susan Whitney

Academic Interest

Gender, sexuality, theatre, literary and creative history, unconventional spaces, transhistorical communities, 20th century Europe

Select Publications and Presentations

“‘Sans Être Dégradée’: The Memory of Adèle Hugo, 1885-1993,” Underhill Graduate Student Colloquium,  March 5, 2015.

Teaching Experience

September 2014-April 2015, Teaching Assistant (Discussion Groups, Marking), Carleton University, HIST 1001B: The Making of Europe.

Description of Research

My research centres around a group of creative women expats (largely of American and British origin) in early 20th century Paris, and their attempts to re-create the community and creative gatherings of Sappho. My focus will be on their use of space, their creative work, and their interpretation of translated fragments of Sappho’s poetry, to (re)create a transhistorical and non-oppressive community of creative women.