HIST 3805A: China since the Twentieth Century
Republicanism, Maoism, Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for the New Era
Winter Term 2025

Instructor: Professor J. Kovalio

A. China , the second most populous state on earth and the third largest in geographical area ,is also one of a number of  civilizations with a continued history of about 3000 years. This intensive course, although focused on the period since the 1911 [Xinhai] Revolution, starts with an introduction of earlier eras and their legacy to today’s China. The subtitle refers to China’s three major political regimes since the 20th Today’s People’s Republic of China is a totalitarian, anti-democratic politico-social system with a successful State-capitalist economy – all dominated by the Chinese Communist (in name only) Party [CCP] under ruler Xi Jin-ping’s “socialism with Chinese characteristics for the new era,” in fact a most intriguing system reminiscent of the Corporatist regimes  of  prewar Italy and Germany. The syllabus will be online by early August. 

BClass atmosphere is most stimulating. However, Social Networking and Texting in ANY form, as well as Eating  are allowed ONLY during breaks.  

C- GRADING contains two elements: 1 – One in-class identification and definition test-worth 50% of the grade. 2-One analytical TYPEWRITTEN essay , worth  50% of the grade , due at term’s end, and which should include : 1 – A cover page. 2 – A summary page. 3Footnotes as citation style. 4 – Five sources – only ONE [ and not the main] wikisource . 5 No mandatory length–PARTICIPANTS MUST COMPLETE ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN ORDER TO BE IN GOOD STANDING.

D– The main learning device for the class is HIST 3805 : China since the Twentieth Century Learning Handbook – the 2024 Edition by Jacob Kovalio which will be available in the CU Bookstore by early August. The traditional text for the course is Jonathan D. Spence’s classic The Search for Modern China [New York: W.W.Norton and Co., 2010] Students are encouraged to access freeandopenindopacific.net /Analysis