HIST 3806A
Shōwa 昭和 Heisei  平成 Reiwa  令和,
Japanese History since 1945 / 戦後日本史 [Sengo Nihonshi]
Fall Term 2024

Instructor: Professor J. Kovalio

A. This intensive class is about the evolution of Japan internally and in the international arena since 1945. In the domestic context, the peculiarities of Japan’s language, religions, imperial institution, constitution, political system – as Asia’s oldest constitutional monarchy (the line above the course title refers to the three postwar imperial eras), the leading role of the Liberal Democratic Party [LDP] – the most successful Conservative party in postwar history- the bureaucracy and the business elite; the socio-cultural and economic milieux: from education, the changing role of women, the major challenge of low birth rates and high longevity, immigration, minorities, the hikikomori (social recluses) and soft power to the major economic and technological aspects. Japan’s foreign policy combines genuine pacifism with the vital security alliance with the US (and South Korea) in order to deal with totalitarian and aggressive China, Russia and North Korea.  The Free and Open Indo-Pacific (Abe Doctrine) is Japan’s response and that of all democracies, to this challenging environment. In order to give all participants an adequate starting point, a brief review commencing with the Tokugawa era [1603-1868] opens the class.

B. Students are strongly urged to attend classes regularly. Asking questions in class is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED. However, Social Networking & Texting [THUS the use of SMART PHONES and the EXTRACURRICULAR use of LAPTOPS] as well as Eating are allowed ONLY during breaks.

C. Grading includes two elements: 1 – A final in-class identification and definition test worth 50% of the final grade. 2 – one TYPEWRITTEN, analytical final essay – worth the other 50% of the grade and should include: 1 – A cover page. 2 – A brief opening summary of the paper.3 – Footnotes as citation style. 4 – Around five sources – only ONE There is NO mandatory length and NO email submission. PARTICIPANTS MUST COMPLETE ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN ORDER TO BE IN GOOD STANDING. The main learning device is Japan since 1945 Learning Handbookthe 2024 edition, by Jacob Kovalio (updated to 2023) which will be available in the Bookstore by early August. In addition, the basic text for the course is :Jeff, Kingston Japan in Transformation , 1945-2010, Pearson Education, 2010, 2nd ed. Students are encouraged to access freeandopenindopacific.net