HIST 1301B: Conflict and Change in Early Canadian History
Winter 2023
Instructor: Professor Dominique Marshall

Source: Page of manuscript census of Canada West 1842, (can be enlarged and read in its entirety) Library and Archives Canada, https://data2.collectionscanada.gc.ca/1842/uc/jpg/004569584_00268.jpg
Caption: To know more about all censuses, how they were collected, how to make sense of the data, and to see the aggregated results, see the guides and introductions on the website of Library and Archives Canada, https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1851/Pages/about-census.aspx.
Introduction: An exploration of the various peoples and groups who have inhabited the Canadian territory from its earliest times to the 1860s. A chronological survey, with special attention to major transformations in the environment, the population, public life, social relations, and culture. An introduction to the many, and changing, ways used by historians to discover and explain this past. A discussion of conflicting understandings, received ideas, prejudices, assumptions and misconceptions. An opportunity to engage personally with written, visual and oral documents, as well as objects. A chance to participate in hands on virtual and collaborative laboratories to make and exhibit elements of the history of Canada.
Class Format: No participation in real time required. Within each week, there will be three hours of engagement with the class (watching, exchanging with the whole class, or one small discussion group, or the instructor, or the Teaching Assistant, as well as posting materials in common exhibits) with a flexible schedule. Besides, the course will require a weekly investment of an average of 5 hours of individual work, half of them to read the textbook & watch related materials, half of them to prepare an individual project on a topic of your choosing, following well defined steps. Each week, you will learn by simultaneously reading, explaining, writing, researching, making, revising, and reflecting.
Aims and Goals: To be familiar with the basic and recent knowledge and methods in the early history of Canada. To be prepared to perform confidently, and at short notice, basic investigations in the early history Canada. To be able to present the result of this research effectively, by using the basic tools of oral, written, and digital communication in history. To be able to understand and navigate of the basic ethical dimensions of historical research.
Assessment: Students will work on a series of projects: one individual term project divided in a series of steps, several group, and class-wide activities (collaborative research around regions; virtual and asynchronous group discussions; small class virtual exhibits, etc). Approximately 35% of the final mark will be for the various steps of the individual project assignments; 40% for engagement activities; 5% for individual tutorials with the teaching team; 20 % for a final take home examination and reflection.
Free Textbook:
Belshaw, J.D. (2015). Canadian History: Pre-Confederation. Victoria, B.C.: BCampus. https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/preconfedcdnhist/
Occasionally, other readings will be available through the library course reserve system.
Questions? Please email me at: Dominique_marshall@carleton.ca