Please note that Bruce is retired as of July 1, 2020.
Research Interests
I am an applied psychologist. That means I attempt to use psychological theories and principles to solve real life problems. A particular interest of mine is human-computer interaction (HCI) which is about how people and technology work together. Some of my recent HCI projects include the development of a database to assist police and first responders identify the source of bomb fragments; technology to help people who are visually impaired or those with learning disabilities take advantage of textual materials and; exploring the best technologies to facilitate student engagement in post-secondary classrooms. I am in the “zone” when I can help people understand how psychology might apply to their everyday lives. As an example, my PhD thesis was concerned with identifying how experts and novices differ in how they interpret data. The results may facilitate our understanding of complex, data-rich concepts across many fields including science, technology, and business.
I am a co-inventor on eight patents related to fixed and mobile telephones and some of my publications include:
Ferres, L., Lindgaard, G., Sumegi, L., & Tsuji, B. (in press). Evaluating a tool for improving accessibility to charts and graphs. Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction.
Tsuji, B., Pierre, A., Van Roon, P., & Vendetti, C. (2012). Web versus face-to-face tutorials: Why I didn’t go to class in my pyjamas. Paper presented at AACE eLearn. Montreal, PQ.
Lindgaard, G., Dudek, C., Tsuji, B., Noonan, P., Sumegi, L, & Stojmenovic, M. (2012). Emergency response in simulated terrorist attacks: Usability lessons learned. In E. Buie & D. Murray (Eds.) Usability in government systems: User experience design for citizens and public servants (pp. 107-120). New York, NY: Elsevier.
Stojmenovic, M., Lindgaard, G., Noonan, P., Dudek, C., Tsuji, B., & Sen, D. (2011). Identifying user requirements for a CBRNE management system: A comparison of data analysis methods. Paper presented at 8th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Lisbon, Portugal.
Tsuji, B., Biddle, R., & McKay, M. (2008). Letting students create their own pedagogical podcasts using www.spokentext.net. Paper presented at APOP, Québec Association for the Educational Application of Computer Technology at the Post-secondary Level. Montreal, QC.
de Almeida, R., & Tsuji, B. (2006) Interactive mapping for people who are blind or visually impaired. In D.R.F. Taylor (Ed.) Cybercartography and the new economy (pp. 411-431). New York, NY: Elsevier.
Frankel, L., & Tsuji, B. (2005). The business of cross-functional design. Paper presented at DX National Design Conference. Toronto, ON.
Lindgaard, G., Khan, S., & Tsuji, B. (2005) Ecological validity and behavioural measures in the usability testing of new applications: A reality usability workshop. Workshop conducted at the British Computer Society, 19th HCI Group Conference. Edinburgh, Scotland.
Frankel, L., & Tsuji, B. (2005). Cross-functional design leadership: Learning from the future that was. In Proceedings of the Eastman Industrial Design Society of America National Education Conference. Alexandria, VA: IDSA.