Johanna Peetz (Sabbatical)
Email: | johanna.peetz@carleton.ca |
Office: | 314E Social Sciences Research Building |
Website: | Dr. Peetz's Home Page |
Research Interests
I study time perception, relationships, and personal spending – see my personal website for more details on current research projects! Across the different topics, my research aims to improve everyday decisions and goal-consistent actions.
In general terms, I am interested in how close others – romantic partners, friends, family members – influence goals and everyday thoughts and behaviours. For example, does having a conversation about your goal with a friend make it more likely that you will work on this goal?
I am especially interested in how individuals’ financial context – their perceived or actual income, the financial stress someone might feel in an economically precarious situation, the way finances are organized between partners in a relationship – affect goal cognition and relationship cognition. For example, do couples with joint financial accounts communicate more often and more effectively about finances? How do your friends’ financial values affect your own saving decisions? What strategies do people use to pursue their spending goals?
One ongoing project supported by SSHRC (#430-2023-00417) examines the role of similarity between relationship partners for relationship outcomes and financial stress. See Peetz & Joseph (2024) or this blog at PSYCHE for a summary of our findings so far!
Relevant Publications:
Peetz, J. (2025). Talk about shared money: Account pooling is associated with financial communication. Journal of Personal and Social Relationships. https://doi-org.proxy.library.carleton.ca/10.1177/02654075241312690
Joseph, M., & Peetz, J. (2024). Hide and Seek with Finances: Financial Infidelity and Financial Snooping in Relationships. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10834-024-09988-2
Peetz., J., & Joseph, M. (2024). How couples think about money: Types of money motives and relationship satisfaction. Personal Relationships, 31(2), 516 – 537. https://doi.org/10.1111/pere.12539
Peetz, J. Meloff, Z., & Royle, C. (2023). When couples fight about money, what do they fight about?. Journal of Personal and Social Relationships, 40(11), 3723 – 3751. https://doi.org/10.1177/026540752311878
Davydenko, M., Kolbuszewska, M., & Peetz, J. (2021). Financial self-control strategies: A meta-analysis, media analysis, and lay person perspective on strategies to curb spending and promote saving. PLosOne, 16(7), e0253938. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0253938.