We would like to inform you that the applications for cuHacking 2019 are now open!

cuHacking is an hackathon held at Carleton over the weekend of February 16-17th. A hackathon is an event where students work in teams to build coding projects. Event sponsors have challenges you can build your projects around and teams that win these challenges will be awarded prizes!

This event is open to students of all levels of coding ability. There will be workshops to learn new skills and mentors to provide support. It is also a great opportunity to network with the sponsor companies. It’s not all work, there will be lots of fun activities to give you a break from coding!

Best of all, cuHacking is totally free! Plus food and swag will be provided.

Apply at https://cuhacking.com by December 21. Follow cuHacking on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @cuhacking. If you have more questions email info@cuhacking.com.


Rafid Dewan
Director of Logistics