October 23, 2018

To all Members of the Carleton Community,

I am writing in my role as Clerk of Senate to inform you that the university has begun the process of developing a free speech policy.

On Aug. 30, 2018, the Premier’s Office advised all publicly assisted colleges and universities in Ontario to develop and post a free speech policy with specified minimum standards by Jan. 1, 2019.

Senate discussed the matter at its Sept. 28, 2018, meeting and as a result a small task force of Carleton University Senators was formed to create a draft policy. Senate has reviewed this draft at its Oct. 19, 2018, meeting.

The draft policy is now posted for review and comments. We invite members of the Carleton community to review the policy and provide feedback through our website by Nov. 6, 2018.

Your feedback is welcome on any aspect of the policy and will help to finalize the content of the final policy. Updates on this consultation process will be provided on the same website as we move forward with the process.

We look forward to working collaboratively with all community members on this process.


Betina Appel Kuzmarov
Clerk of Senate