In compliance with Ontario’s Essential Services Order, Senate met remotely on October 30, 2020.  Here are the highlights:

Over 1,200 Graduates Confirmed

Senate approved the graduation of 752 undergraduate students and 484 graduate students, making the Carleton class of 2020 over 6,000 strong.  Congratulations to all of our graduates!  Please join us on Nov. 14, 2020 for a virtual celebration.

Compassionate Grading

In light of the ongoing pandemic and the significant disruptions it causes, Senators approved compassionate grading options to help support Carleton students throughout the Fall 2020 and Winter 2021 semesters.

For undergraduate students, all F grades will automatically be converted to unsatisfactory (UNS) and will not affect the calculation of students’ CGPA.  Additionally, for the Fall 2020 semester only, Senate passed a motion allowing undergraduate students to opt for a satisfactory designation (SAT) on their transcript for one 0.5 credit course in which they earned a passing grade. More detailed grading information is available here.

Major Modifications

Senate approved a concentration in Modelling and Simulation to the Master of Applied Science and Master of Engineering programs in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, starting in Fall 2021.

Additionally, Senate approved the introduction of the concentration in software engineering to the Master of Applied Science, Master of Engineering and PhD programs in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, starting in Fall 2021.

Chair’s Remarks

In October, Carleton received favourable rankings from Maclean’s Magazine’s annual Canadian University issue.  The university scored in the top 5 for student satisfaction, research, student awards, scholarships and bursaries and overall rankings.  Carleton’s momentum was also showcased at the launch of the new Strategic Integrated Plan and second annual Inclusion Week.  Next, Carleton will be officially launching a new Sustainability Plan: Strive for Sustainability, as well as the second issue of Raven Magazine, which will focus on inclusion, anti-racism and responding to the pandemic.

Cyclical Reviews

Senate approve the Final Assessment Report and Executive Summary arising from the Cyclical Review of the undergraduate and graduate programs in Industrial Design and Law and Legal Studies.

Senate Member Ratifications

Senate ratified the faculty Senate appointment of Jeff Dawson, Faculty of Science.

Senate Committee Ratifications

Senate ratified the following Committee appointments:

Senate Library Committee

  • Sancho Angulo (Graduate student)

Senate Honorary Degrees Committee

  • Leonard Halladay (Graduate student)

Senate Review Committee

  • Sancho Angulo (Graduate student)

Senator Spotlight: Brett Popplewell

Senate is composed of over 80 members representing the Carleton community like Brett Popplewell, Assistant Professor in the School of Journalism and Communication.  Learn more about Brett.

Next Meeting: November 27, 2020

The next Senate meeting is November 27, 2020 at 2:00pm. Click here to view the full schedule and meeting materials.  Meeting minutes are posted once they are approved at the subsequent meeting.