Senate approves academic accommodations and remote meetings

The COVID-19 situation has continued to evolve rapidly in the Ottawa region and around the world. In light of this, it has become prudent to evaluate Senate practice and Senate’s ability to continue to participate, meaningfully, in the academic functioning of the university.

On March 17, 2020, Senate unanimously approved a motion to provide flexibility in adjusting methods of assessment and weightings of course deliverables specified in course outlines as needed to complete this term successfully while maintaining academic standards and quality in order to provide more flexibility while we navigate the COVID-19 crisis.

In addition, Senate approved the motion to meet remotely until such time as health authorities and the University Senate deem it appropriate to resume in-person meetings. The next Senate meeting is to be held virtually on March 27, 2020.

For more information regarding Carleton University and its response in regards to the coronavirus, please visit the dedicated COVID-19 webpage.


Please contact the Assistant University Secretary, Kathy McKinley, at