Senate met on November 25, 2022.  Here are the highlights:

Self-declaration for Academic Considerations

Following recommendation from the Senate Committee on Curriculum, Admission and Studies Policy (SCCASP), Senate has approved the use of the new Self-Declaration for Academic Considerations Form, effective for the 2022/23 Academic Year. This form replaces the need for a medical note or supporting documentation. It can be used to support a student request for academic consideration for missed course work, midterms, or final exams due to short-term incapacitation (illness, injury, or extraordinary circumstances beyond a student’s control), normally lasting no more than 10 days.

Draft Digital Strategy

Senate received a presentation from Associate Vice-President (Teaching & Learning) David Hornsby and Associate Vice-President (ITS) and Chief Information Officer Marc Dabros on the draft Digital Strategy that is currently being finalized. Key elements of the strategy include enhancing the digital governance structure with a new IT Policy Framework, and better alignment of the digital planning cycle with the university’s overall budget and planning cycle.

Implementation of EDI Action Plan

The Senate also received a presentation from Noël A. J. Badiou, Associate Vice-President, Equity and Inclusive Communities on the implementation of Carleton’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Action Plan. An update was provided on each of the ten interconnected strategic actions, along with highlights on the continuous efforts being made to integrate and embed EDI principles into the core activities and academic mission of our institution. Learn more about the progress being made across campus.

Quality Assurance & Cyclical Reviews

Senate approved the Final Assessment Reports and Executive Summaries arising from the Cyclical Reviews of:

• Undergraduate Programs in Electrical Engineering
• Joint Graduate Programs in Civil Engineering
• Undergraduate programs in Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering
• Bachelor of Global and International Studies Program

Senate Welcomes New Members

Senate ratified three new member appointments for terms of service effective immediately.

Faculty Members

  • Hilary Becker (Sprott)
  • Sean Burges (FPA)

Student Members

  • Giuseppe Ivan Sestini (UG – FASS)

Senator Spotlight: David Sprague

Dr. David Sprague is an Instructor II at Carleton’s School of Information Technology. Dr. Sprague currently focuses on teaching introductory programming courses and specializes in casual information visualization; motion data encoding, InfoVis aesthetics; user interface design; virtual reality perceptual factors; and pedagogical gaming. Learn more about Dr. Sprague

Next Meeting: December 16, 2022 (Tentative)

A tentative date of December 16, 2022 is in place should a meeting before the New Year be required. Resumption of Senate meetings is January 27, 2023 at 2 pm. The full meeting schedule, associated meeting materials and minutes are available on the Senate website.  Meeting minutes are posted once they are approved at the subsequent meeting.