Carleton University is beginning the search for a new Vice-President Finance and Administration (VPFA).

In accordance with the Appointment Guidelines for the Vice-President (Finance and Administration), the Board of Governors has asked Senate for assistance in the nomination and election of faculty members and students to serve on the Advisory Committee on the VPFA.

The Advisory Committee will commence its work in early Summer of 2024 and will be active throughout the search process, which will continue for approximately six months. Committee members will need to be available during this time.

This is a Call for Nominations for one undergraduate student and one graduate student to serve on the Advisory Committee on the Vice-President (Finance and Administration). 

  • Students must be actively registered in a full-time program of study at Carleton University
  • Undergraduate students must be registered in at least one course in each of the fall and winter terms during their period of service (Fall 2024, Winter 2025)
  • Undergraduate students must have completed successfully at least 4.0 credits and must be in good academic standing throughout the period of service
  • Preference will be given to students with governance and/or advisory committee experience.
  • Nominees do NOT need to be members of Senate.

Committee meetings will commence as early as June 2024.

More information on the committee and process can be found here:

Note that the deadline to apply is May 17, 2024.

Elections, if necessary, will take place via e-vote on May 21-22, 2024.

If you require more information, please contact the Assistant University Secretary, Kathy McKinley.