Headshots of Beth Martin, Zachary Patterson and Shoeleh Shams

Assistant Professor Beth Martin has received a 2022 New Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award for her engaging and student-centered approaches to teaching. Beth is a student favourite in the School of Social Work for her passionate course delivery and fun but knowledge-cementing assignments. Her teaching methods invite students to learn through new experiences and by forging deeper conceptual understanding of materials. Beth is dedicated to creating innovative teaching and learning experiences for all students, prioritizing their voices and participation in course design and execution. 

Zachary Patterson, an Instructor II in the Department of Neuroscience, has actively pursued teaching excellence since he began his career at Carleton, earning him a 2022 New Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award. His passion for student wellness and success is evident. During the pandemic, he received two Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) grants to research the impact of compassionate grading and instruction on student stress and academic achievement, as well as to look at how modes of learning on-campus and online influence mental wellness and academic success. He also developed an institutional Wellness Service Navigator app that will be launched shortly.  

Shoeleh Shams has received the 2022 New Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award for her dedication to supporting student success, both inside and outside the classroom. An Instructor II in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shoeleh strives to inspire and nurture her students. Since she began her role at Carleton, she has effectively implemented engaging teaching strategies in her classroom and successfully transitioned them to a virtual environment during the pandemic. Outside the classroom, Shoeleh supports students in various capacities, including her roles as undergraduate advisor for environmental engineering and as a member of the Faculty of Engineering and Design’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee. She also actively mentors various student groups, including Women in Science and Engineering and Engineers Without Borders.