1. What is SoTL?
  2. Getting Started with SoTL
  3. Funding for SoTL Projects
  4. Ethical Considerations for SoTL Research
  5. Dissemination of SoTL Research
    1. Podcasts
    2. Blogs
    3. SoTL Journals
  6. Publications by Carleton’s Educators

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is a priority at Carleton University as the practice of reflection and research-led approaches to teaching are integral to a quality educational experience for both instructors and students. If you have any questions or would like to get support in all stages of your SoTL projects, please contact us.

What is SoTL?

The Scholarship of Teaching involves exploring teaching and learning in your own context, similarly to how you would approach research in your field of specialization. It often includes reflecting on your own practice, seeking out resources to enhance what you are doing, implementing these enhancements, assessing the outcomes, and disseminating this knowledge to others.To learn more, watch this video produced by the Centre for Engaged Learning at Elon University.

Getting Started with SoTL

This SoTL Guide from the Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching is an excellent resource about different steps in conducting a SoTL project, such as conducting a literature review, planning the project design, identifying evidence, etc. Other resources that can help you get started include:

Funding for SoTL Projects

TLS maintains a list of internal and external teaching grants available to instructors. If you wish to pursue a grant, we can help review or revise your application.

Ethical Considerations for SoTL Research

An instructor conducting SoTL research is faced with the unique challenge of playing a dual role as both a teacher and a researcher. It’s important to be aware of ethical considerations as you navigate this complex situation. You can refer to this SoTL ethics guide from the Taylor Institute at the University of Calgary for some guidance or visit Carleton’s Office of Research Ethics website for more information.

Dissemination of SoTL Research



SoTL Journals

Publications by Carleton’s Educators