1. Funding
  2. Eligibility
  3. Evaluation Criteria
  4. Selection Committee
  5. Eligible and Ineligible Expenses
  6. Other Requirements

Established by Teaching and Learning Services, the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Grant provides funding for Carleton’s faculty members  to engage in scholarly investigations of all aspects of teaching and learning in a post-secondary context.

The grant also allows Carleton’s educators to implement and investigate new approaches to teaching and learning, and to enhance conversations about teaching and learning across academic units.


Financial support in the range of $1,000 to $5,000 per project is available. New applicants and applicants who want to use the grant to prepare manuscripts for publishing in peer-reviewed journals will be given priority over previous SoTL Grant recipients.


All full-time faculty members, instructors, and contract instructors are eligible if they have support from their department heads.

In cases where contract instructors are successful grant recipients, department heads need to confirm that their department agrees to be the administrator of the grant.

Teaching and Learning Services’ staff members are not eligible for this grant.

Evaluation Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Clarity of the project’s objectives
  • Significance and potential impact
  • The project’s feasibility within the timeframe and budget
  • Scholarly output

Selection Committee

A selection committee will be composed of two faculty members and one representative of Teaching and Learning Services.

Eligible and Ineligible Expenses

Eligible expenses include, but are not limited to, payment for Research Assistant(s); participant incentives, development of new experiential learning opportunities for students, materials/supplies for research, costs associated with dissemination of findings, etc. This grant does not provide funds for journal subscriptions, professional memberships, or pay for services offered by the university. Ineligible expenses include compensation to faculty members, instructors, and contract instructors.

Note: All successful grant recipients will meet with the Teaching and Learning Services’ financial officer to discuss how the funds will be administer.

Other Requirements

  • Projects need to be approved by department heads.
  • Projects must be completed within one year.
  • Within one month after the completion of the project, grant recipients will submit a report that includes a summary of findings to Teaching and Learning Services. These reports may be published on the Teaching and Learning Services website to promote the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning to Carleton’s community.
  • The recipient of the grant agrees to participate in one of Teaching and Learning Services’ teaching roundtables and share their findings with Carleton’s peers (if applicable).
  • Please note, at Carleton University, the appropriate research ethics board must clear all research involving human participants.

Please submit the completed application form and your project proposal (maximum five pages, not including the application form and references) electronically to tls@carleton.ca.

Your project proposal must include:

  • Project title
  • Description of the proposed project, including objectives of the project, rationale
  • Significance and potential impact of the proposed project
  • Description of research design and methodology (if applicable)
  • Project timelines
  • Budget justification and details
  • Proposals that are submitted without a letter of support from the department chair or unit director will not be considered.

If you have any questions, please contact tls@carleton.ca.