1. 2024-2025 Cohorts
  2. Program Learning Outcomes
  3. Program Requirements
  4. Additional Information
  5. Register for PTT

The Preparing to Teach (PTT) certificate is a blended 10-week program specifically designed to help PhD candidates prepare for the teaching components of a career in academia. It consists of weekly online asynchronous and weekly synchronous, in-person course components that allow participants to gain hands-on experience with a range of teaching and assessment methods, to learn how to manage both large and small classes, and to address teaching and learning issues particular to their disciplines. The program cannot be completed 100% online.

Although informed by theory, the focus will be on teaching practice. Participants will develop new course materials and try out various teaching approaches within a supportive peer cohort.

Please note: Participation in the certificate is ineligible for FGPA paid pedagogical training for TAs.

2024-2025 Cohorts

This year, TLS is offering one cohort of the program, in the Winter 2025 term. The schedule for that cohort is Wednesdays, 1 – 3 or 4 p.m., January 22 – April 2.

Registration for the 2024-2025 cohort will open in November 2024.

*NOTE: registration in PTT requires a $50 cash deposit, which is returned in full upon successful completion of the program.

Program Learning Outcomes

By the end of this program, you will be able to:

  • Design a syllabus for a first-year undergraduate course in your discipline that exemplifies the principles of constructive alignment
  • Construct a lesson plan and deliver a teaching demonstration (microteach) that implements learner-centred approaches
  • Articulate a personal philosophy of teaching that adheres to the features characteristic of a “teaching philosophy statement” and which is informed by educational theory

Program Requirements

To earn the certificate, participants are expected to:

  • Arrive on time
  • Actively participate in all* sessions, both synchronous and asynchronous
  • Complete all online learning modules
  • Provide constructive feedback to peers
  • Complete the required readings
  • Prepare and submit all three assignments by the indicated due dates
    • Assignment 1: Annotated Course Syllabus
    • Assignment 2: Lesson Plan, Microteaching Demonstration & Microteaching Reflection
    • Assignment 3: Teaching Philosophy Statement

*Please note: This program is based on a high degree of interactive learning; absences from class meetings or failures to complete the online learning modules will affect your ability to contribute to forthcoming sessions. If you miss one session, you must contact the facilitator immediately so that an alternative assignment/activity can be negotiated. If for any reason you are absent from two sessions or fall behind on two of the online modules, you will be removed from the program.

Additional Information

If you are looking for additional resources to help you develop as a teacher and/or to prepare your teaching dossier, check out the following:

And if you’re looking for resources that introduce you to similar content as the PTT program, check out the following links:

For additional training opportunities, please visit our TA Training webpage.

Register for PTT

Check back soon – registration for the 2024-2025 cohort will open in November 2024.

Note: all applications are vetted carefully to ensure suitability for the program. In particular, candidates should expect to have their applications evaluated on the basis of the following criteria: level of study (Masters, PhD, Postdoctoral), stage of progress in the degree, workload for the term (academic or otherwise), availability, access to other training opportunities better suited to interests, proximity to graduation, and proximity to first teaching assignment.