1. Eligibility
  2. Evaluation Criteria
  3. Possible Uses of Grant Funds
  4. Ineligible Expenses
  5. Expectations
  6. Application Process

Teaching and Learning Services established the Teaching Development Grant to allow Carleton’s faculty members, instructors, and contract instructors to implement and investigate new approaches to teaching and learning, to further develop their skills as educators, and to enhance conversations about teaching and learning across academic units. The financial support in the range of $500 – $2,500 per project is available.


Carleton University instructors, faculty members, and contract instructors are eligible if they have support and approval from their department heads.

In cases where contract instructors are successful grant recipients, department heads need to confirm that their department agrees to be the administrator of the grant.

Teaching and Learning Services’ staff members are NOT eligible for this grant.

Evaluation Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Clarity of the project’s objectives
  • Significance and potential impact on teaching and learning at Carleton University
  • The project’s feasibility within the timeframe and budget
  • Scholarly output
  • Proposals that are submitted without a letter of support from the department chair or unit director will not be considered.

Possible Uses of Grant Funds

The Teaching Development Grant can be used in several ways, including, but not limited to:

  • Implementation of a new teaching strategy in a specific course designed to improve student learning
  • Development of teaching and learning resources that will enhance a specific course or several courses
  • Payments for Research Assistant(s)
  • Development of new experiential learning opportunities for students
  • Re-design of assessment strategies in an existing courses
  • Organizing a teaching and learning event at departmental level

Ineligible Expenses

  • Compensation to faculty members, instructors, contract instructors.
  • Journal subscriptions and memberships
  • Computer hardware
  • Services already funded by Carleton University

Note: All successful grant recipients will meet with the Teaching and Learning Services’ financial officer to discuss how the funds will be administer.


All successful recipients will:

  • Disseminate the outcome(s) of their teaching development projects through an appropriate medium. Such media include, but are not limited to, presentations to colleagues, Teaching and Learning Services’ roundtables or other events, the Teaching and Learning Services blog, etc.;
  • Submit a final report upon completion of the project (up to 500 words).

Application Process

Please submit the application form, together with a brief description of your teaching development project its potential impact on teaching and learning at Carleton University, and detailed budget (max. 5 pages, excluding the application form) to tls@carleton.ca.