Below is a sub-section of the Carleton University Account Codes listing.  If you cannot locate a particular account code here, please log into FAST Finance Reporting and access the FOAPAL Codes report option from the main menu.

Revenue Codes
515000 Federal Grants & Contracts
515010 Municipal Non-Res Grants & Contracts
515020 Other Prov Grants & Contracts
515030 Foreign Non-Res Grants & Contracts
525200 Non-Central Tuition Fees
525201 Non-Central Workshop Fees
525202 Non-Central Work Term Fees
525203 Non-Central Lab Fees
525204 Non-Central Appl’n or Prep Fees
530000 General Sales
530002 Labour Income
530004 Materials Income
530102 Course Materials & Tapes
530108 Other Sales to Students
531000 Rental Revenue
533005 Sponsorship Revenue
533014 Miscellaneous Sundry Income
533018 Royalty Income
540000 Salary Recoveries – Operating
540002 Salary Release Time Recovery
561000 Business Enterprise Grant
561200 Business Enterprise Contract
Salary Codes
F/T Salary 610000 CUASA
610600 CUPE 2424
610601 CUPE 2424 Related
610606 Admin Management
610800 Overtime Paid to F/T Employees
610801 Overtime Meal Allowances – F/T Employees
P/T Salary 611023 Contract Instructors P/T Salaries
611024 Academic Assistants (TA’s)
611025 Faculty P/T Salaries
611026 Other P/T Salaries
611027 Guest Lecturer & Honoraria Paid through Payroll
611029 Tutors/Mentors
611030 Research Academic Assistants
611200 Administrative P/T Salaries
611201 P/T salary-leaves, replacements, etc
611205 Student P/T Salaries – Administrative
611207 Exam Invigilation
611300 Overtime Paid to P/T Employees
611301 Overtime Meal Allowances – P/T Employees
620000 Internal Physical Plant Labour Charges
620001 Internal CCS Salary Charges (debits)
620003 Internal other salary/labour charges
Expenditure Codes
710000 Office Suplies
710012 Other Supplies
711000 Photocopying Charges & Supplies
711001 Printing Costs & Supplies
712000  Long Distance Charges
712002  Postage
712003  Courier Charges
712004  Internet Services Costs
713000  Telephone Equipment Rentals
713001  Computer Lease
713005  IMS Equipment Rentals
713200  Equipment Maintenance
716001  Research & Publications
716310  Society Memberships
716400  General Advertising/Publicity
716500  Space Rental Expense
716701  Visa Charges
716702  Cash Over/Under
716800  Networking/Receptions
716900  Staff Development Costs
717100  Contributions to Student Group Activities
717200 Honoraria/Guest Lecturer (non-payroll)
717201  Sponsorships & Contributions Expenses
717300 Building Repairs/Maintenance
719100 Travel – General
719502 Parking Costs
720004 Consulting & Advisory Fees
720040 Other Professional Fees
723000 Equipment & Furniture Purchases < $10,000
723100 Equipment & Furniture Purchases > $10,000
723102 Computer Equipment > $10,000
723103 Computer Software Purchases > $10,000
723110 Instructional Equipment Purchases > $10,000
Budget Accounts (for BARs Only)
726100 Unallocated Budgets
726101 Unallocated Salary Savings/(Deficit)
726102 Prior Year Budget Carryforward