Research Participation Credits (SONA)

If you are taking PSYC 1001, 1002, 2001, and 2002, you will have the opportunity to have an “up close” look at psychology research through research participation that is designed to foster understanding and appreciation of psychology.

  • In-person lab studies,
  • Online interactive studies,
  • Online non-interactive studies and,
  • Reading and writing about research articles.

Research Participation credits are worth 4%:

  •  PSYC 1001 and 1002: 4% Research Participation Credits count towards the final grade.
  •  PSYC 2001 and 2002: 4% Research Participation Credits count as a bonus.

Participating in Psychology Studies for Credit 

One way to earn research participation marks is by participating in psychology studies conducted by psychology professors, graduate students, and honours thesis students from Carleton University’s Psychology Department.

In order to see a list of the available studies, you will need to log into the SONA system at

For the 2024 – 2025 academic year, there are three types of studies that you can sign up for:

  • In-lab studies
    • Completed in person (e.g., in the researcher’s lab) with a researcher and/or other participant(s).
    • Completed at a mutually agreed upon scheduled meeting time between the researcher and the participant(s).
  • Online interactive studies
    • Requires face-to-face interaction in a virtual setting with the researcher and/or other participant(s).
    • Conducted through video/web conferencing (e.g., Zoom).
    • Completed at a mutually agreed upon scheduled meeting time between the researcher and the participant(s).
  • Online non-interactive studies
    • Completed individually by the participant.
    • Completed through various survey websites or online experiment software programs.
    • Completed during a timeslot chosen by the participant from the range of available timeslots provided by the researcher.

In-person lab studies: For each 30-minute block you spend participating in an in-person lab study, you will earn 0.5%.

  • (up to) 30 min interactive study = 0.5%.
  • 31-60 min interactive study = 1.0%.
  • 61-90 min interactive study = 1.5%.
  • 91-120 min interactive study = 2% … etc.

Online interactive studies: For each 30-minute block that you spend participating in an online interactive study, you will earn 0.5%.

  • (up to) 30 min interactive study = 0.5%.
  • 31-60 min interactive study = 1.0%.
  • 61-90 min interactive study = 1.5%.
  • 91-120 min interactive study = 2% … etc.

Online non-interactive studies: For each 30-minute block that you spend participating in an online non-interactive study, you will earn 0.25%.

  • (up to) 30 min non-interactive study = 0.25%.
  • 31-60 min non-interactive study = 0.5%.
  • 61-90 min non-interactive study = 0.75%.
  • 91-120 min non-interactive study = 1%…etc.

NOTE: You decide how you would like to receive your 4% research participation credit. You can choose to participate in only interactive studies, choose to participate in only non-interactive studies, or choose to participate in a mixture of both interactive and non-interactive studies.

How do I sign up for a study in SONA to earn Research Participation Credits?

Reading and Writing about Research Articles for Credit 

An alternative way to earn your 4% research participation credits is by reading and answering questions about research articles (see your course outline for more details).

How to Start?

At the beginning of the term that you are taking PSYC 1001, 1002, 2001, and 2002, you will receive an e-mail containing your SONA login information and instructions explaining how to use the system.  You will then have until the last day of classes for the term to earn your research participation credits (i.e., through psychology studies and/or alternative written assignments).

If you have not received an e-mail by the end of the first full week of classes or have questions, you should contact the SONA TA (Gen Brook) at