Find out more about some of our past students and what they’ve been up to since graduating with a degree in Psychology.

Brenda Baird

Brenda Baird
  • Degrees: M.A.; Ph.D.
  • Supervisors: Dr. Chris Herdman; Dr. Tom Tombaugh
  • Graduated: 1997; 2004
  • Thesis: Polysmey Effects in Naming Low-Frequency Irregular Words: A Rare Semantic Advantage?;
    The Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Age, and Practice on Speed of Information Processing Using Two Newly Developed Computerized Tests
Where am I Now? Dr Brenda J Baird (PhD)
Assistant Professor
School of Psychology/Ecole de psychologie
University of Ottawa/Université d’Ottawa
136 Jean-Jacques Lussier Room 4001
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 6N5

Betty M. Bayer

Betty Bayer
  • Degree: Ph.D.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Lloyd Strickland
  • Graduated: 1989
  • Thesis: Small groups and issues of peace and security
Where am I Now? 1992-
Professor, Women’s Studies
Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY2013-2014
Senior Fellow, Martin Marty Center and Associate of Women’s and Gender Studies
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

Mike Beauchesne

  • Degree: B.A. Honours
  • Supervisor: Dr. Tim Pychyl
  • Graduated: 1999
  • Thesis: Gender Differences in Procrastination
Where am I Now? Executive Vice President – Clinical Services at the Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre (DSYTC) in Ottawa (since 2010).
After graduating from Carleton in 1999, I pursued and completed my M.Ed. (Counseling) at the University of Ottawa. As of January 2001, I commenced my career at the DSYTC, working as a Therapist (2001-2003), Clinical Program Coordinator (2003-2008) and then as the Executive Director (2008-2010). While working full-time, I decided to return to Carleton in 2009 to pursue my MBA (Sprott School of Business), and I graduated in 2012.

Lorne D. Bertrand

  • Degree: Ph.D.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Nick Spanos
  • Graduated: 1987
  • Thesis: Priming Effects during Hypnotic Amnesia
Where am I Now? Senior Research Associate
Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family

Caminee Blake

  • Degree: M.A.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Brian Little
  • Graduated: 1994
  • Thesis: Personal Projects, Depressive Affect and Coping Style
Where am I Now? Staff Psychologist in the Youth Service in the Psychiatry Department at the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal; also in private clinical practice

Kelley Blanchette

Kelley Blanchette
  • Degree: Ph.D.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Ralph Serin
  • Graduated: 2005
  • Thesis: Field Test of a Gender-informed Security Re-classification Scale for Female Offenders
Where am I Now? Director General, Women Offender Sector, Correctional Service of Canada

Laura Brawn

  • Degree: M.A.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Tom Tombaugh
  • Graduated: 2007
  • Thesis: Information Processing Speed in Adults with ADHD
Where am I Now? Disabilities Coordinator at the Paul Menton Centre, Carleton University

Donna Campbell

Donna Campbell
  • Degree: Ph.D.
  • Supervisor:  Dr. Marilyn Marshall
  • Graduated: 1977
  • Thesis: The role of dimensional salience and temporal factors on concept attainment in young children. 
Where am I Now? Webster University, St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. 1976-present
-Professor, School of Education,
-Program Coordinator, MA in Special EducationFormer positions:
Missouri Department of Mental Health, 1976-1988
-Chief Executive Officer, Hawthorn Children’s Psychiatric Hospital, 1986-1988

Kirsten Carroll Somoza

  • Degree: M.A.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Gitte Lindgaard
  • Graduated: 2006
  • Thesis: A Handheld Decision Support System for Cardiac Teletriage: Design and Evaluation
Where am I Now? UX Architect, TELUS Health

Gary Challis

  • Degree: Ph.D., C.Psych.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Nick Spanos
  • Graduated: 1991
  • Thesis: Anticipatory Nausea and Vomiting in Cancer Chemotherapy Patients
Where am I Now? Dean, Adler Graduate Professional School
Clinical Psychologist, Private Practice, Hank Frazer and Consultants

Leanna Closson

  • Degree: M.A.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Tina Daniels
  • Graduated: 2006
  • Thesis: The Role of Perceived Popularity and Social Dominance in the Dynamics within Early Adolescent Friendship Cliques
Where am I Now? Tenure-track Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
Saint Mary’s University
Halifax, NS

David Combden

  • Degree: M.A.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Frank Elgar
  • Graduated: 2008
  • Thesis: Health Benefits of Self-Control Strategies and Emotional Expression of Stressful Events and the Moderating Effects of Gender
Where am I Now? Assistant Manager at the Lacepede Bay Motel in Kingston SE, South Australia while completing a Master’s of Counselling through Athabasca Distance Education

Shevaun Corey

  • Degree: Ph.D.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Craig Bennell
  • Graduated: 2012
  • Thesis: An Evaluation of the Correctional Training Program Delivered by the Correctional Service of Canada
Where am I Now? Senior Project Officer at the Correctional Service of Canada

Nadia D’Angelo

  • Degree: M.A.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Anne Bowker
  • Graduated: 2011
  • Thesis: Predictive Factors that Influence Treatment Choice for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Where am I Now? I am entering the third year of my PhD in the Developmental Psychology and Education program at OISE/UT. My research interests are in bilingual education, language and literacy development.  In particular, my research longitudinally examines models of English and French reading growth for multilingual children enrolled in early French immersion programs.  For my dissertation,I will investigate the suitability of French immersion for children identified as at-risk for reading difficulties.

Katherine L. Davidson

  • Degree: B.A. Honours
  • Supervisor: Dr. Robert Coplan
  • Graduated: 2002
  • Thesis: The Correlates of Loneliness in Preschool Children
Where am I Now? Psychological Associate working in private practice and as a Psychoeducational Consultant in the Peel District School Board

Paul Arthur Dowdall

  • Degree: B.A.
  • Graduated: 1987
Where am I Now? Staff Sergeant
Ontario Provincial Police
Detachment Commander
Killaloe Detachment
15368 Highway 60
Killaloe, ON
K0J 2A0

Craig Dowden

  •  Degrees: Ph.D.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Brian Little
  • Graduated: 2004
  • Thesis: Managing to be “free”: personality, personal projects and well-being in entrepreneurs
Where am I Now? I am currently in Toronto and am the Managing Director of the Toronto office of SPB Organizational Psychology Inc.

Sanela Dursun

  • Degrees: M.A.; Ph.D.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Kim Matheson
  • Graduated: 1998; 2009
  • Thesis: Adaptation of Canadian Forces Members and their Spouses to the Demands of Military Life: The Role of Social and Organizational Support
Where am I Now? Director Research Personnel and Family Support,
Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC)

Alyssa Ferns (nee Taylor)

  • Degree: Ph.D.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Craig Bennell
  • Graduated: 2011
  • Thesis: The Influence of Target Race on Split-Second Shooting Decisions in Simulated Scenarios: A Canadian Perspective
Where am I Now? Professor, Bachelor of Applied Arts – Criminal Justice
School of Social and Community Services
Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning

Leanne Findlay

  • Degree: Ph.D
  • Supervisor: Dr. Robert Coplan
  • Graduated: 2006
  • Thesis: Come out and play: Shyness in childhood and the benefits of sports participation
Where am I Now? Leanne Findlay is a Senior Social Science Researcher with Statistics Canada. Her area of expertise is in healthy child development, with a specific interest in the health of special populations, mental health and correlates of positive mental health. Leanne completed her PhD at Carleton University in 2006; this work was focused on mental health and well-being of shy children, in particular with respect to the relative benefits of physical activity participation. Leanne has worked extensively with population-level data, including numerous published papers on Aboriginal child health, child care, and physical activity.

Derek Fisher

Derek Fisher
  • Degree: Ph.D.
  • Supervisors: Dr. Hymie Anisman & Dr. Verner Knott
  • Graduated: 2012
  • Thesis: The Processing of Auditory Deviance and Auditory Hallucinations in Schizophrenia During Stable Symptomatology and Acute Symptom Exacerbation
Where am I Now? Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Mount Saint Vincent University
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Dalhousie University
Adjunct Professor, Department of Psychology & Neuroscience, Dalhousie University

Mindi Foster

  • Degrees: M.A.; Ph.D.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Kimberly Matheson
  • Graduated: 1991; 1996
  • Thesis: Women’s Political Action: An Integration of Three Perspectives (M.A.); Socio-Cognitive Factors in Reducing the Personal/Group Discrimination Discrepancy (Ph.D.)
Where am I Now? Associate Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University

Melissa Fraser (nee Littau)

  • Degree: M.A.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Janet Mantler
  • Graduated: 2009
  • Thesis: The Millennials: An Investigation of their Organizational Commitment Work Values, and Person-Work Environment Fit
Where am I Now? Evaluation Officer, National Research Council Canada

Heather Davediuk Gingrich

Heather Davediuk Gingrich
  • Degree: B.A.
  • Graduated: 1980
Where am I Now? Professor of Counseling
Denver Seminary
(MA Counseling Licensure program)
I just published a book: Gingrich, H. D. (2013). Restoring the shattered self: A Christian counsellor’s guide to complex trauma. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
Prior to this I taught  in graduate counseling program in the Philippines (masters and doctoral levels) for 8 years, and before the Philippines did clinical work and taught at the undergraduate level in Ottawa and London, Ont.

Joel Ginsburg

  • Degree: Ph.D.
  • Supervisor: John R. Weekes
  • Graduated: 2000
  • Thesis: Using Motivational Interviewing to Enhance Treatment Readiness in Offenders with Symptoms of Alcohol Dependence
Where am I Now? Psychologist in the Operational Trauma and Stress Support Centre of the Canadian Forces Health Services Centre (Ottawa)

Richard L. Glatt

  • Degrees: B.A. Honours, M.A.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Nicholas Spanos
  • Graduated: 1992
  • Thesis: Psycho-Social Factors Affecting Recovery from Sports- Related Injuries / Hypnotic Deafness and the Compliance Hypothesis: A Real-Simulator Design
Where am I Now? Director/Psychoeducational Consultant at Psychoeducational Services and The Cognitive Performance Centre
Providing assessment and counselling services since 1995 specializing in AD/HD, learning disabilities, giftedness, anxiety, and mood disorders.

Renée Gobeil

Renee Gobeil
  • Degree: Ph.D.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Ralph Serin
  • Graduated: 2012
  • Thesis: Understanding Parole Recommendations: The Contribution of Parole Officers
Where am I Now? Research Manager, Women Offender Research, Correctional Service of Canada

Judith Ann Graham (nee Dey)

Judith Ann Graham
  • Degree: B.A.
  • Graduated: 1972
Where am I Now? Retired from Chrysler Group in Auburn Hills, Michigan, as Senior Manager of Governance in 2007.  Did strategy management consulting after that for 2 years (American Airlines in Dallas, TX, was my primary client).  Taught Business Ethics and Strategy Management at University of Windsor for 2 years as well as an adjunct professor.  Now living in Estero. Florida.

Marcy Grossman

  • Degrees: B.A. Honours; M.A.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Don Andrews
  • Graduated: 1988; 1990
  • Thesis: The Effectiveness of a Cognitive-Behavioural Treatment Program on Impulsive Young Offenders
Where am I Now? Consul General of Canada, Denver. Full bio available here.

Erin Hill

  • Degree: M.A.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Mary Gick
  • Graduated: 2009
  • Thesis: Cervical Cancer Screening Barriers and Prospective Method Choices: The Influence of Attachment, Personality and Health Beliefs
Where am I Now? I completed my PhD in Psychology from the Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand (graduated December 2012) having studied there under the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan. And recently I was hired as a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Health Psychology at West Chester University of Pennsylvania, a position that starts in August 2013.

Anita M. Hubley

1984 Orientation

1984 Orientation

Dr. Hubley in 2012

Dr. Hubley in 2012

  • Degrees: B.A. Honours; Ph.D.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Tom Tombaugh
  • Graduated: 1989; 1995
  • Thesis: B.A. Hons.: “An Examination of the Comparability of the Rey-Osterrieth and Taylor Complex Figures and the Development of Comparable Simplified Versions of the Figures for Use in Neuropsychological and Memory Testing” Ph.D.: “Geriatric Learning and Memory Battery: Test Development, Psychometric Evidence, and Normative Data”
Where am I Now? Full Professor of Measurement, Evaluation, and Research Methodology (MERM) in the Dept. of Educational and Counselling Psychology and Special Education (ECPS), University of British Columbia
Also: Director of the Adult Development and Psychometrics Lab at UBC

Diana Koszycki

  • Degree: Ph.D., C.Psych.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Robert Zacharko
  • Graduated: 1994
  • Thesis: Effect of acute tryptophan depletion on behavioural, cardiovascular and neuroendocrine response to cholecystokinin tetrapeptide in healthy volunteers
Where am I Now?
  1. University of Ottawa Research Chair in Mental Health (in partnership with Montfort Hospital)
  2. Full Professor, Faculties of Education (Counselling) and Medicine (Psychiatry), University of Ottawa
  3. Senior Scientist, Institut de recherche de l’hôpital Montfort

Ron Kozan

  • Degree: B.Sc. Honours
  • Supervisor: Dr. Guy Lacroix
  • Graduated: 2012
  • Thesis: An eye-tracking-study: Does label role impact performance and attention in supervised inference learning?
Where am I Now?  After graduating and being honoured with a Certificate of Academic Excellence by the Canadian Psychological Association for my undergraduate thesis, I earned an MBA (Financial Management, 2014) with the Sprott School of Business. Further graduate study yielded a Postgraduate Certificate in Valuation (UBC, 2017). Thereafter I launched Kanata Appraisals, a full-service real property professional appraisal services corporation. The 2020 pandemic shuttered my business and I am currently sharpening my data analytics saw and considering opportunities. Meanwhile, my other passion, fiction writing, is serviced via my publishing corporation/imprint Fresh Blue Ink (Fresh Blue, Inc.) which has published two novels to date.

Daryl Kroner

  • Degree: Ph.D.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Adelle Forth
  • Graduated: 1999
  • Thesis: Affective processing in violent psychopaths
Where am I Now? Associate Professor, Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Sara Lahaie

  • Degree: B.A. Honours
  • Graduated: 2010
  • Thesis: Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Where am I now? I am currently working as an Officer of Client Satisfaction with the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority.

Chong Chi Tiffany Leong

  • Degree: B.A. Honours
  • Supervisor: Dr. W.E. Walther
  • Graduated: 1999
  • Thesis: The Role of Women in China
Where am I Now? Clinical Psychologist , PsyD
Pediatric Department
Central Hospital (CHCSJ), MACAU

John Lyon

  • Degree: B.A. Honours
  • Supervisor: Dr. Brian Tansley
  • Graduated: 2008
Where am I Now? I have been employed as a Psychosocial Support Worker on the Mental Health Patient Care Unit at the Alberta Children’s Hospital since 2008. During that time I also earned a Masters of Science degree in Psychology (2012) from the University of Calgary, supervised by Dr. C.T. Scialfa while investigating driving safety and incidental learning in healthy young and old adults. I spend almost all of my free time climbing waterfall ice, rock, and alpine routes in the Canadian Rockies.

Diane E. Mack

Diane Mack
  • Degrees: B.A. Honours; M.A.
  • Supervisor: Dr. John Partington
  • Graduated: 1990; 1992
  • Thesis: The Effects of Personal Knowledge and Mental Imagery on the Skating Performance of Female Figure Skaters.
Where am I Now? Associate Professor:  Department of Kinesiology; Faculty of Applied Health Sciences, Brock University.

Dan Madularu

  • Degrees: B.Sc., M.Sc.
  • Supervisors: Dr. Matthew R. Holahan & Dr. Alfonso B. Abizaid
  • Graduated: 2008, 2010
  • Theses: Ghrelin activates the dopaminergic reward system in food-restricted rats (B.Sc., Drs. Holahan and Abizaid)
    Behavioural consequences of intra-accumbens administration of a novel dopamine DNA aptamer: comparison with classical D1 and D2 dopamine receptor antagonists (M.Sc., Dr. Holahan)
Where am I now? PhD candidate, 4th year, Concordia University, Montreal, QC
Supervisors: Drs. Wayne G. Brake and Dave G. Mumby

Maggie Mamen

  • Degrees: B.A. Honours, M.A., Ph.D.
  • Supervisors: Dr. Tom Ryan (B.A.). Dr. Bob Knights (M.A. & Ph.D.)
  • Graduated: 1976, 1978, 1981
  • Thesis: (Ph.D.) Cerebral Organization and Conceptual Development in Early Fluent Readers and Older Dyslexics
Where am I Now? President, Centrepointe Professional Services

Scott McEwen

  • Degrees: B.A. Honours; M.A.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Jo Tombaugh (nee Wood)
  • Graduated: 1981; 1985
  • Thesis: A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Three Forms of Learning Material For Novice Computer Application Programme Users
Where am I Now? President, LouSco Services Incorporated

Tim Moore

  • Degree: B.A. Honours
  • Supervisor: Dr. Peter McCormack
  • Graduated: 1968
  • Thesis: Monitoring eye movements while studying the effects of response familiarity on paired-associate learning.
Where am I Now? Professor and Chair
Dept. of Psychology
Glendon College, York University

Richard Mogford
  • Degree: Ph.D.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Brian Tansley
  • Graduated: 1990
Where am I Now?
Richard Mogford graduated from Carleton’s Ph.D. program in 1990 with a degree in Experimental Psychology, focusing on human factors and engineering psychology.  His dissertation was on cognitive aspects of air traffic controller training.  Dr. Brian Tansley was his doctoral advisor.  Prior to that, he obtained an M.A. degree from Sonoma State University and worked in clinical treatment settings for about 10 years before returning to graduate school.After leaving Carleton, Richard was employed by a Transport Canada contractor supporting the acquisition of a new air traffic control (ATC) system.  After about a year, he was hired by a Federal Aviation Administration contractor at the William J. Hughes Technical Center in New Jersey, assisting the Research, Development, and Human Factors Laboratory.  There he worked on a variety of projects evaluating ATC performance, future concepts and systems, and currently deployed (or soon to be deployed) equipment.  One notable task was the design of the user interface and displays for the Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System, an upgrade to aging automation used in ATC terminal operations.  In 1997, he was hired as a government civil servant.In 1999, Richard moved to California to work as Research Psychologist at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Ames Research Center at Moffett Field.  He was the Project Manager of the Human Measures and Performance (HMP) Project, which was part of the Advanced Air Transportation Technologies Project.  HMP focused on theoretical and applied experimental psychology and human factors research in support of NASA’s aeronautics programs.  In 2006, he moved to the Human Systems Integration Division at Ames where he managed and contributed to a range of projects on ATC and flight deck operations.  Examples include “generic airspace” research that developed and tested information tools and decision support automation to reduce the amount of memorization required of air traffic controllers.  Another project was on a staffing and airspace management software tool for en route ATC supervisors.  He also worked on a task for the Department of Homeland Security designing the user interface for a handheld nuclear radiation detector. Richard and his wife, Leslye, live on a houseboat in San Francisco Bay close to NASA Ames during the week and enjoy being at their house near Gualala, CA on Route 1 close to the Pacific Ocean, as time permits.

Marisa Murray

  • Degree: M.A.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Anne Bowker
  • Graduated: 2011
  • Thesis: Perceived Family Functioning and Disordered Eating among Adolescents: Perfectionism and Externalized Self-Perception as Moderating Variables
Where am I Now? Third year standing in the clinical psychology program at the University of Ottawa. Dissertation examining screen time behaviours and psycho-social functioning among overweight and obese adolescents.

Susan Murtha

  • Degree: Ph.D.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Bruce Pappas
  • Graduated: 1993
  • Thesis: Neurotoxin induced lesions of acetylcholine and serotonin afferents to the hippocampus: Mnemonic, neurochemical, and histopathological effects
Where am I Now? Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning, Faculty of Health, York University. Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, York University

Elizabeth (Lisa) Nisbet

Lisa Nisbet
  • Degree: Ph.D.
  • Supervisor: Dr. John Zelenski
  • Graduated: 2011
  • Thesis: A Nature Relatedness Intervention to Promote Happiness and Environmental Concern
Where am I Now? Assistant Professor of Psychology, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario

Amanda Nolan

  • Degree: M.A.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Anne Bowker
  • Graduated: 2006
  • Thesis: An Examination of Features of Emerging Adulthood
Where am I Now? Public Safety Canada

Cheryl Ann Nolan

  • Degree: B.A.
  • Graduated: 1992
Where am I Now? Supervisor, Home Child Care
Andrew Fleck Child Care Services
700 Industrial Avenue #600
Ottawa, Ontario
K1G 0Y9
Works in collaboration with the Manager to ensure the provision of high quality home child care and support services through the supervision of program staff, the management of admissions, and effective communication with families, agency staff, City staff and the wider community.

Diana Norton

  • Degree: B.A. Psychology, minor in business
  • Graduated: 2007
Where am I Now? PhD Candidate, University of Ottawa. Research: psychotherapeutic processes in community practice for treatment of eating disorders. Private Practice.

Sarah Jane Norwood

  • Degree: M.A.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Anne Bowker
  • Graduated: 2009
  • Thesis: Self-Silencing and Anger Regulation as Predictors of Disordered Eating Among Adolescent Females
Where am I Now? I am currently completing my pre-doctoral residency at CHEO, which means I’m in the fifth and final year of my PhD at York University in Clinical Developmental and will be graduating next year (2014).

Nicole Obeid

  • Degree: M.A.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Anne Bowker
  • Graduated: 2006
  • Thesis: The Relationship Between Coping Strategies and Psychological Adjustment in an Adolescent Clinical Sample
Where am I Now? Psychometrist and Lead, Research and Outcomes Management for the Eating Disorders Program at CHEO.

Sandra R. Palef

Sandra Palef
  • Degree: M.A.
  • Supervisor: Dr. H. Simpson
  • Graduated: 1970
  • Thesis: The stages of information processing in a choice reaction-time task
Where am I Now? Psychologist-Psychoanalyst in private practice, Toronto, ON

Delroy L. Paulhus

  • Degree: B.A.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Bill Petrusic
  • Graduated: 1974
  • Thesis: A simulation of decision processes
Where am I Now? Professor of Psychology, UBC

Kavita Prakash

  • Degree: Ph.D.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Robert Coplan
  • Graduated: 2003
  • Thesis: Socioemotional characteristics and school adjustment of socially withdrawn children in India
Where am I Now? I am a tenured professor of Psychology at Heritage College in Gatineau and have been teaching there since 2000.  I have been teaching as a contract instructor at Carleton since about 2000 as well.  Until recently, I have also been an adjunct research supervisor and have supervised numerous honours theses in Psychology as well as Child Studies Theses.
I also hold a Masters in Human Kinetics from the University of Ottawa, with a speciality in Sport Psychology.  I worked as a sport psychology consultant for over 10 years with numerous competitive and recreational figure skaters in the 3 major figure skating clubs in the Ottawa area.  I have also given numerous seminars from the club level up to the National level (for Skate Canada).

Lyne Racette

  • Degree: Ph.D.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Chris Herdman
  • Graduated: 2004
  • Thesis: An investigation of the relationship between normal aging, visual attention and contrast sensitivity
Where am I Now? Assistant Professor
Indiana University
School of Medicine
Eugene and Marilyn Glick Eye Institute

Sarah Ramisch Stewart

  • Degree: B.A. Honours
  • Supervisor: Dr. Tim Pychyl
  • Graduated: 1995
  • Thesis: International Students’ Adaptation to University
Where am I Now? Manager of International Admissions and Recruitment (Carleton University)

Ravi Ramkissoonsingh

  • Degree: B.A.; M.A.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Nick Spanos; Dr. Kim Matheson
  • Graduated: 1994; 1999
  • Thesis: The effects of abuse type and complainant symptomatology in a simulated sexual abuse trial
Where am I Now? I am currently a Professor of Psychology at Niagara College Canada in Welland, Ontario.  I have been in this position for the past 7 years after teaching for 3 years at Mohawk College in Hamilton, Ontario.
I also completed a Master of Arts in Canadian Studies at Carleton in 2002.
I am in the process of co-authoring a textbook to be used in Developmental Psychology courses at the college and university level.  The title of the textbook is LifeSmart: Exploring Human Development, First Canadian Edition by Fiore, Ramkissoonsingh and Hotham, and will be published early in 2014 by McGraw-Hill Ryerson.
I value the education that I received from Carleton as its Psychology department was top-notch!

Tammie Ricci

  • Degree: M.A.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Ryan
  • Graduated: 1992
  • Thesis: Evaluation of Attendant Services in a University Milieu
Where am I Now? Clinical psychologist in private practice

Sharyn Salsberg Ezrin

  • Degree: Ph.D.
  • Supervisor: Dr. T.J. Ryan
  • Graduated: 1977
  • Thesis: The Goals-Guide-Behaviours Evaluation Strategy: A Formative Evaluation Plan for Teachers of Early Childhood Education Programmes
Where am I Now? Dr. Sharyn Salsberg Ezrin is a retired organizational psychologist and former executive coach.
During the last decade before retirement, Sharyn had a private practice for individual clients or groups wanting to plan change in their work or life and wrote, Living Through Transitions: Harnessing your courage at a personal crossroads (2008, 2nd Edition).
Sharyn volunteers at Baycrest’s Community Day Centre and commits time to other community involvements.

Matthew J. Shanahan

  • Degree: B.A. Honours
  • Supervisor: Dr. Timothy A. Pychyl
  • Graduated: 2004
  • Thesis: Ego Identity and Procrastination: Marcia’s Identity Statuses’ Relation to Self-Reported Procrastination among Undergraduate Students
Where am I Now? Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Western Ontario (Western) in Clinical Psychology (Year VI).
Matched Intern at Nebraska Internship Consortium in Professional Psychology (NICPP) for 2013-14.

Virginia Smith

  • Degree: B.A. Honours
  • Supervisor: Dr. Allan Moffitt
  • Graduated: 1970-71
  • Thesis: Infant Language Development
Where am I Now? I was the Supervisor of Special Education for the Yarmouth District School Board, Yarmouth Nova Scotia, for 25 years.  I have, for 40 years, coached a local swim team, the Yarmouth Whitecaps.
I contributed to a number of initiatives while in my position including the start of YACRO an organization designed to give parents alternatives for their challenged children other than placing them in institutions.  This organization provides homes (3 to one home with 24 hour care), supervised apartments, programming and training for staff.
I helped to start an organization set up to support families with challenging situations including poverty so that they could seek help from one agency rather than 4 or 5.
I became a reading specialist.
I have developed in- water programs for kids with Learning Disabilities, Autism and Language Disorders.
I have also worked to remediate those with severe injuries causing them to be paraplegics.
I earned a B.Ed. at Dalhousie University in Halifax in 1978 and a Masters from Mount St. Vincent in Education/Literacy.
I still coach and conduct NCCP coaching courses in the Atlantic Region.

Brenda Smith-Chant

  • Degree: Ph.D.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Jo-Anne LeFevre
  • Graduated: 2002
  • Thesis: Problem-specific priming in division and multiplication
Where am I Now? Chair (Associate Professor)
Department of Psychology
Trent University, Ontario, Canada

 Melissa Staddon

  • Degree: B.A. Honours
  • Supervisor: Dr. Kevin Nunes
  • Graduated: 2009
  • Thesis: The Measure of Criminal Attitudes and Associates-Revised (MCAA-R): An Examination of its Validity
Where am I Now? Special Projects Coordinator and Student Support Advisor at Carleton University’s Student Academic Success Centre. I haven’t gone very far!

Susan Stock

  • Degree: B.A.
  • Graduated: 1975
Where am I Now? Since graduating in Psychology from Carleton I have done at least 8 years of further training including MD from McMaster University, Family Medicine Residency at Dalhousie University, Specialty training in Public Health and Preventive Medicine and in Occupational Medicine and a MSc in epidemiology (all from McMaster University).
Currently I am a medical specialist and researcher at the Quebec Institute of Public Health (Institut national de santé publique du Québec) in Montreal and I teach at both the Université de Montréal (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine) and McGill (Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health). My research is in the area of prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders and I am particularly interested in the complex relationship between biomechanical, organisational and psychosocial work exposures, psychological distress and musculoskeletal disorders.
My training at Carleton was a wonderful background for my subsequent career path.

Mary Sullivan-Tate

Mary Sullivan Tate
  • Degree: B.A.
  • Graduated: 1973
Where am I Now? Former elementary school teacher. Taught in Toronto for 30 years before retiring in 2005.  Currently live in Mono, Ontario and Cape Coral, Florida.
Patient Escort volunteer at Headwaters Healthcare Center in Orangeville Ontario.
Married to Dr. Kenneth Tate, Ph.D.

Cecilia Taiana

  • Degree: Ph.D.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Fran Cherry
  • Graduated: 2002
  • Thesis: The Emergence and Establishment of Psychoanalysis in Argentina: An Examination of the Pre-Freudian and Early Freudian Periods
Where am I Now? Associate Professor, School of Social Work, Carleton UniversityI am teaching the following courses:
►MSW level advance seminar Trauma and Memory: An Examination of Theoretical Debates and Treatment of Psychological Trauma.
►Ph. D level seminar Epistemological Foundations: The Subject and the Work of the Social.
► I will present my most recent article at the International Psychoanalytic Association conference in Prague (August 2013); it will be submitted for publication to the International Journal of Psychoanalysis, title of the article: Mourning the Dead, Mourning the Disappeared: The Enigma of the Absent-Presence.

Meghan Thomas

  • Degree: B.A.
  • Graduated: 2012
Where am I now? After graduating from Carleton I thought, “what will I do next?” I enrolled in the Concurrent Disorders Graduate Certificate program at Mohawk College, which connected me to Canadian Mental Health Association-Brant (Brantford, ON). After completing a 7-week field placement with CMHA, I applied for the summer student position as a Social Recreation Worker. The program that I work in allows clients to create meaningful, supportive relationships; build their self-esteem and confidence, and help improve their mental well-being. All while engaging in recreational activities.

Carolyn Thompson

  • Degree: B.A. Honours
  • Supervisor: Dr. Bill Walther
  • Graduated: 1997
Where am I now? Clinical Supervisor, Peel Addiction Assessment and Referral Centre
Currently completing Master of Health Science in Health Administration at the University of Toronto

Doruk Uysal Irak

  • Degree: Ph.D.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Janet Mantler
  • Graduated: 2010
  • Thesis: The role of affectivity in an expanded model of person-environment fit
Where am I Now? Department of Psychology
Bahcesehir University Istanbul Turkey
Assistant Professor

Geoff Wilton

  • Degree: M.A.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Anne Bowker
  • Graduated: 2008
  • Thesis: Perceived Behaviours of Like and Disliked Adolescents: Comparing Sports Team and Classroom Contexts
Where am I Now? Researcher with the Correctional Service of Canada

Sara Wotschell

  • Degree: B.A. Honours
  • Supervisor: Dr. Adelle Forth
  • Graduated: 2008
  • Thesis: Psychopathic traits in the community: The effect of protective factors in mitigating negative outcomes
Where am I Now? Institutional Parole Officer
Mountain Institution, medium security prison for men within the Correctional Service of Canada

Ivan Zinger

Ivan Zinger
  • Degree: Ph.D.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Don Andrews
  • Graduated: 1999
  • Thesis: The psychological effects of 60 days in administrative segregation
Where am I Now? Executive Director and General Counsel
Office of the Correctional Investigator of Canada