Program requirements:

To be completed by:

PhD Progress Report signed by the supervisor(s) to the SCS Grad Administrator in each Fall and Winter Term of Full or Part Time studies.
  • First week of December for each Fall Term.
  • First week of April for each Winter Term.
Formation and confirmation of a Comprehensive Advisory Committee & Reading List to be submitted to the SCS Grad Administrator. The committee consists of supervisors(s), an OCICS-SCS member, an OCICS-OttawaU member. 3rd Term
A minimum of 1.5 credits in courses at the graduate level (COMP 5xxx). The admission committee may impose additional program requirements according to the student’s background and research topic. 4th Term
0.0 credits in COMP 6907 Doctoral Comprehensive (involving breadth and depth components). The Comprehensive Exam Specification form must be submitted to the SCS Grad Administrator. 4th Term
Formation and confirmation of the Doctoral Proposal Committee and the required form submitted to the SCS Grad Administrator. The membership of the committee must include Thesis Supervisor(s), an OCICS-SCS member, an OCICS-OttawaU member, a chair, and preferably a non-SCS faculty member from Carleton. 5th Term
0.0 credits in COMP 6908 Doctoral Proposal (defended at an oral examination). The Scheduling a Doctoral Proposal form must be submitted to the SCS Grad Administrator. 6th Term
Formation and confirmation of the PhD Thesis Defence Committee Specification, which is to be submitted to the SCS Grad Administrator. The membership includes an External Examiner (at arm’s length from supervisor(s) and the student), Thesis Supervisor(s), an OCICS-SCS member, an OCICS-OttawaU member, a chair, and a non-SCS faculty member from Carleton. 9-12th Term
0.0 credits in COMP 6909 Ph.D. Thesis (defended at an oral examination). 9-12th Term
Seminar Requirements

  • One presentation in the Departmental Seminar Series. The student should contact the Graduate Administrator to reserve a presentation date and submit the PhD Seminar Requirement Form. It is highly recommended that this presentation is given a few months before the formal thesis defense. It will serve many purposes, including presenting to the school your research, good preparation for the thesis examination, getting valuable feedback from your colleagues, etc. Since this is a public seminar, announced as an OCICS departmental seminar, it is expected that it is attended by several experts and non-experts from Carleton and University of Ottawa. The supervisor is required to attend the seminar.
  • One presentation in a venue (likely to be a refereed conference/workshop), as approved by the Graduate Director.
  • Can be done at any time before thesis defence.

Note: It is the responsibility of each student to adhere to the above timelines to finish all the program requirements in a timely fashion. In case there is a possibility that certain deadlines will not be met, it is extremely important that this is brought to the attention of the student’s Supervisor(s), the SCS Graduate Director, the SCS Director and the Dean of Graduate Studies for appropriate actions. The mechanism to convey this information is the “Missed Milestones” in the PhD Progress Form. In any case, every student is required to submit the progress form at the end of each Fall and Winter Term of their (full or part-time) studies.