Geography integrates social and physical perspectives in order to study people, places, and environments around the world. By knowing where social and political events occur, while also considering economic and historical factors, you gain spatial perspective and begin to understand the relationship between people and their environments and the interaction between groups of people more generally.

The geography of Europe has been an extremely important factor in shaping world events. As the world’s economies become more connected, and as the flow of people, information, products and money increases, Europe and other major regions of the world will continue to play major roles.

This section contains helpful resource material on European countries, looks at the relationship between Canada and the European Union, and examines the Turbot War of 1995 between Canada, Spain and the EU.

Topics Curriculum
Topic 1:
Canada and the European Union: An Overview
CGW4U Canadian & World Issues: A Geographic Analysis – Units 2-3
CGU4U World Geography: Human Patterns & Interactions – Unit 4
CIA4U Analysing Current Economic Issues – Unit 5
Topic 2:
The Turbot War: Resolving International Disputes
CGR4M The Environment and Resource Management – Units 3-4
CGW4U Canadian & World Issues: A Geographic Analysis – Unit 4
CLN4U Canadian and International Law – Unit 4
CPW4U Canadian and World Politics – Unit 4