The European Union, initiated at the end of the Second World War, is one of the most dynamic regional organizations in the world. The EU, consisting of 28 member states today, is a new and exciting concept. It has characteristics of a country and an international organization; yet, it does not definitively fit into either of these categories. Scholars today are still searching for a term to describe precisely the nature of the EU.

EU Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium
On an international scale, the European Union offers hope for a stable future. The Union has evolved since its creation, and is continuing to evolve along with the rest of the global community. Can the EU continue to uphold stability in Europe? Can the EU become a model for other regions in the world? These are questions that will be explored throughout this website.
“But what does the European Union have to do with me?”
Although Europe is an ocean away, the European Union has a lot more to do with you than you might think. Perhaps you have relatives who come from or live in the EU? Perhaps the food you’re eating today comes from an EU country? Perhaps issues that are important to students of your age in the EU are important to you too?
Use this website to find out exactly how Europe is related to you!