Pronunciation: ‘yur-&p
Usage: Geographical name
Definition: A continent of the eastern hemisphere between Asia and the Atlantic Ocean
Area: 3,997,929 square miles (10,355,000 square kilometres),
Population: 741,400,000
(Sources: Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2004
United Nations Executive Summary, World Population Prospects, The 2006 Revision)
Europe is one of the seven continents of the world
Europe is the second smallest continent by geographic size (area = 10 355 000km sq.), BUT it has the third largest population of the seven continents (now 741.1 million)
Europe is one fifth of the Eurasian landmass
The name Europe is derived from the name Europa, which is the name of a goddess in Greek mythology

Source: Wikimedia Commons
Great! But, what’s actually in Europe? While the precise boundaries of Europe are still a matter of debate, our map includes the countries most commonly defined as European.