Follow the instructions below:
- Click HERE to open up a coloured map in a new window.
- Click HERE to download and print your blank Europe map.
- Give your colouring map a name (e.g. Countries of the EU).
- On your colouring map, label and colour blue all the countries that are FOUNDING MEMBERS of the EU. These countries started the EU in the 1950s. The linked country pages can help you find this information.
- Label and colour all the countries that joined the EU in 1973 red.
- Label and colour all the countries that joined the EU in 1981 green.
- Label and colour all the countries that joined the EU in 1986 purple.
- Label and colour all the countries that joined the EU in 1995 orange.
- Now, label and colour all the countries that joined the EU on May 1, 2004 yellow.
- Label and colour all the countries that joined the EU in 2007 brown.
- Lastly, label and colour the country that joined on July 1, 2013 pink.
Now, answer the following questions:
- Look at the countries that joined the EU in 2004. Geographically, where are most of these countries in relation to the rest of the EU member states?
- Which countries on the map are NOT in the European Union? Where are MOST of these countries located geographically, in relation to the EU member states that joined the EU in 2004 and 2007?