European Union citizenship is conferred on anyone who is a citizen of an EU member state. It does not, however, replace national citizenship; everyone still retains his or her own national citizenship. Citizens of the EU are entitled to certain rights. These rights are listed in the left column of the table below .

See if you can provide any Canadian examples in the right column.

To learn more about the specific rights of an EU citizen, click on the examples given in the left column.

Rights of an EU Citizen: Canadian Examples:
Right to stand for and vote in European Parliament elections (for more on EP elections, click HERE) Example: Canadians age 18 and over can vote in federal, provincial, and municipal elections
Right of free movement and residence in the territory of member states
Right to diplomatic protection in third countries (Non-EU countries)
Right to petition the European Parliament
Right to bring complaints before the European Ombudsman
Right to information
Right to address any of the EU’s institutions in any of the official languages, and to receive information in the same language


The European Union at a Glance | FR
Europe in 12 Lessons | FR
Charter of Fundamental Rights | FR


That traveling in the EU is very easy? A driver’s licence and auto insurance policy issued in an EU country is valid in any other EU country.

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