Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament (Source: European Parliament)
In small groups of 3 or 4, discuss the following issues:
- Until 1979, Members of the European Parliament were appointed. Since then, MEPs have been elected by citizens of EU countries. Which system do you think is more effective for allowing citizens to express their views in the European Parliament: direct election of MEPs by citizens, or appointments by EU institutions? Why?
- What do you think are some of the reasons why people would want to vote?
- In the most recent European Parliament elections in 2019, an average of more than 50% of the eligible voters from the 27 EU countries voted. This percentage is a significant increase from the 43% average of voters from the last EU elections in 2014. What factors may have caused the rise in voter turnout in 2019? What are some reasons why people would not want to vote in the EU elections?
To find out more, go to the European Elections FAQ.
European Elections
UK Electoral Commission
Eurobarometer Surveys
EU elections seen as irrelevant, survey finds
That the European Parliament’s budget in 2003 was ONE BILLION Euros?
That the European Parliament’s budget includes staff costs, travel expenses, buildings, and translation of texts into the EP’s working languages?
You can now proceed to activity 6.