EU symbol

Source: European Community

The Centre for European Studies at Carleton University hosts the annual Teachers’ Workshop, a one-day event designed to assist high school teachers in teaching about the EU in the classroom. Presentations include an overview of the history of the EU, making the EU relevant to high school students, EU-Canada relations, and specialized EU current issue topics. The workshop is free and open to high school teachers in Ottawa and the surrounding areas.

Presentations from the past workshops hosted are available below:

2023 Teachers’ Workshop agenda and Presentations available here

2022 Teachers’ Workshop agenda and Presentations available here

2019 Teachers’ Workshop Agenda and Presentations available here

2017 Teachers’ Workshop Agenda and Presentations available here

2016 Teachers’ Workshop Agenda and Presentations available here

2015 Teachers’ Workshop Agenda and Presentations available here

2014 Teachers’ Workshop presentations available here

2013 Teachers’ Workshop presentations available here

If you are interested in finding out more about the annual workshop hosted at Carleton University, please send an email to: or call the Centre for European Studies at 613-520-2600, ext. 1087.