The History Department is proud to congratulate the following History students:

  • Sarah Michelle Cole (BA Combined Honours in English and History) for winning the Senate Medal for Outstanding Academic Achievement at the Undergraduate Level;
  • Gregory Juneau (BA Honours with History Minor) for winning the Senate Medal for Outstanding Academic Achievement at the Undergraduate Level;
  • Taylor James McKinnon (BA Honours in History) for winning the Senate Medal for Outstanding Academic Achievement at the Undergraduate Level;
  • Julia Marie Van Drie (BA Honours in History) for winning the Senate Medal for Outstanding Academic Achievement at the Undergraduate Level;
  • Clare Maier (BA Honours with History Minor) for winning the Senate Medal for Outstanding Academic Achievement at the Undergraduate Level.

Sarah Cole

In addition to winning one of the 3rd year essay prizes at the Underhill Undergraduate Colloquium in 2017 for her essay entitled “Violence and Vanishing: The Education of Augie Merasty and the Silenced Indigenous History of Residential Schools,” and one of the 2nd year essay prizes at the 2016 Underhill Undergraduate Colloquium for her essay entitled “Visions of Home: Supernatural Experience and English Nationalism in the First World War,” Sarah was also previously named to the Deans’ Honour List for the 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17 academic years

Gregory Juneau

Gregory Juneau was previously named to the Deans’ Honour List for the 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17 academic years.

Taylor McKinnon

In addition to winning one of the 3rd year essay prizes at the 2016 Underhill Undergraduate Colloquium for his essay entitled “The Question of Military Assistance in Kuwait,” Taylor was also previously named to the Deans’ Honour List for the 2013-14, 2014-15, and 2016-17 academic years.

Julia Marie Van Drie

Julia Van Drie was previously named to the Deans’ Honour List for the 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17 academic years.

Clare Maier

Clare Maier was previously named to the Deans’ Honour List for the 2013-14, 2014-15, and 2015-16 academic years.

More details on the medals:

Senate Medals for Outstanding Academic Achievement — Undergraduate
Awarded, when merited, to graduating students of outstanding academic achievement

The full list of medal winners is available on the convocation website.