Helen Kennedy
Ph.D. Candidate
Degrees: | B.A. Hons., (Prince Edward Island), M.A, (Victoria) |
Email: | helenkennedy@cmail.carleton.ca |
Current Program:
Ph.D. History (2018)
Dr. Dominique Marshall and Dr. Candace Sobers
Academic Interests:
20th century conflict and genocide; humanitarian aid; international intervention; public discourse; psychological trauma; Bosnia; peacekeeping; foreign policy; displaced populations; United Nations
Select Publications and Current Projects:
Kennedy, Helen. “Fearsome Limbo: The Media’s Characterization of Psychological Trauma During the Conflict in Kosovo, 1998-1999.” M.A Thesis, University of Victoria, 2013.
Kennedy, Helen. “Obsessive Attention to Bosnia: Media Representation of the Red Cross and Médecins Sans Frontières in the Bosnian War, 1992-1995.” Honours Thesis, University of Prince Edward Island, 2011.
Select Conference Contributions:
“On the Periphery: Conceptualizations of Women During the Siege of Sarajevo in the American Press, 1992-1995.” Designing the Self, York University Humanities Graduate Conference (virtual), July 2020.
“Why so Safe? Safe Havens and Intervention Decisions in Bosnia, 1992-1995.” Underhill Graduate Colloquium, Carleton University, Ottawa. February 2020.
“Challenging Understandings of the Relationship between Humanitarian Intervention, Humanitarian Aid Organizations, and Peacekeeping in Bosnia, 1992-1995.” 7th GRAINES Summer School, Prague. June 2019.
“The War on Terror and Human Rights.” Guest Lecture, Carleton University. March 2019.
“War, Masculinity, and Mental Health: British Construction of Shell Shock, 1914-1918.” Qualicum Graduate History Conference, Qualicum. March 2013.
“Médecins Sans Frontières and the Red Cross in the News: A Case Study of Medical Practice in a Conflict Zone.” Canadian Society for the History of Medicine Annual Conference at Congress, Fredericton. June 2011.
Teaching Experience:
Theories and Foundations of Human Rights (P. Gentile), Fall 2018 & Fall 2019
Introduction to Human Rights (S. Sadaf), Winter 2019
Historical Theory (J. Opp), Winter 2020
Canadian Political History (P. Litt), Fall 2020
Description of Research:
My research explores the international discourse surrounding the Bosnian War and how the resultant frameworks for intervention affected the relationship between UN peacekeeping and international aid organizations. Central to my project are questions of how actors in a conflict are defined by interventionists and how international security priorities impact the evolution of our understanding of conflict.