Photo of Nicholas Surges

Nicholas Surges

Candidate, M.A. Public History

Degrees:B.A. Hons. History (Carleton), Diploma Theatre Arts (Algonquin College)

Current Program: MA Public History (2022)


Prof. Jennifer Evans and Prof. David Dean

Academic Interests:

Austria-Hungary; Queer Histories; Cultural Representations; Performance Theory; Disinformation

Select Publications and Current Projects:

“The Information Arms Race: Media and the Russo-Ukrainian War.” Populist Publics (blog). Carleton University. April 22, 2022.
“’Who watches the watchmen?’: Digital Moderation in the Age of Misinformation.” Populist Publics (blog). Carleton University. February 16, 2022.

Select Conference Contributions:

“A Fractured Inheritance: The Habsburg Empire and the Problem of Nation-States.” Third Annual Montreal Area Central European Workshop (conference). University of Montreal. March, 2022.

Teaching Experience:

HIST 2510 Nineteenth Century Germany (Jennifer Evans), Fall 2022

Description of Research:

Nicholas’ proposed MRE project dramatizes the Mayerling Incident, the 1889 murder-suicide of the crown prince of Austria-Hungary and his lover. Through three different re-enactments whose chief difference lies in the emotionality of the scene’s historical actors, he will explore how “affective gaps” in the archival record complicate our understanding of a single empirical history.