What are the third-year honours seminars?

The third-year Honours seminars provide students with an applied introduction to theory and research in one of the Department’s areas of research: Cognitive, Developmental, Forensic, Health, Personality, and Social Psychology.

Activities conducted in class and in laboratories will give you hands-on experience conducting research. You will read classic and contemporary journal articles, and you will get to discuss them with your peers, TA, and Professor. You will design research studies and experiments, and you might get to run them on yourself and other students. You will learn to analyze your data using appropriate software and experience the excitement that comes with discovering if an experiment worked. Finally, you will learn how to present your research like scientists via APA-style research reports, posters, and conference-style presentations.

Our Department takes great pride in offering this unique course in Canada and only Professors who are experts in their areas of research teach them. We firmly believe that the seminar provides all our students with outstanding preparation for their theses and graduate studies in psychology if they choose to do so.

I still have questions. What should I do?

Contact the Undergraduate Office at the following:

B550 Loeb

