Photo of Olga Baysal

Olga Baysal

Institute for Data Science Director

Degrees:Ph.D. Computer Science, University of Waterloo (2014), MMath Computer Science, University of Waterloo (2006), B.Sc. Computer Science, Vyatka State University (2001).
Phone:613-520-2600 x 8668
Website:Olga Baysal Homepage

Research Interests

Software engineering, Mining Software Repositories, Human Aspects of Software Engineering, Data Science

Specific Research Interests

Empirical software engineering, code review, recommender systems, mining Stack Overflow and GitHub, machine learning, NLP, qualitative research (e.g., survey, experiments, interviews), eye tracking, API summarization, etc.

Current Research

Dr. Baysal’s work lies within the field of mining software repositories and is focused on analyzing large data sets by applying software analytics and providing ways to synthesize knowledge from the development artifacts such as reported issues, source code, discussions, community contributions, etc. Much of her work focuses on understanding how software engineers create, use, and maintain software systems. She applies empirical software engineering techniques to study software development processes and leverages software analytics to support practitioners’ decision making.

Research Group

I am a member of the Software Analytics (SWAN) Research Group


Olga Baysal Homepage