Photo of Oliver Van Kaick

Oliver Van Kaick

Associate Professor

Degrees:PhD Simon Fraser, B.Sc. and M.Sc. Federal University of Paraná
Phone:613-520-2600 x 4355
Website:Oliver Van Kaick Homepage

Research Interests

  • Computer Graphics
  • Computer Vision
  • Computer Games

Specific Research Interests

Geometric Modeling, Processing, and Visualization Shape Analysis

Current Research

Dr. van Kaick’s research focuses on the analysis, creation, and manipulation of 3D objects. His research seeks solutions to problems such as shape segmentation, shape correspondence or matching, and shape similarity estimation. Dr. van Kaick is interested in developing techniques to learn about the nature of shapes, including their geometry, topology, structure, part composition, relations between parts, and functionality. These analysis techniques are precursors to applications such as shape synthesis, editing and understanding, which are all of interest in diverse areas including design and fabrication, game development, computer animation, and medical imaging. His work has been published in computer graphics conferences such as SIGGRAPH and SIGGRAPH Asia.


Dr. van Kaick received his master’s degree from the Federal University of Paraná, Brazil and his Ph.D. from Simon Fraser University. He was a postdoctoral researcher at both Simon Fraser University and Tel Aviv University, Israel where he was an Azrieli fellow. He serves regularly as a member of the program committees of well-known conferences in computer graphics, such as Eurographics, Pacific Graphics and Shape Modeling International. He has also served on the workshops, briefs and posters committees of SIGGRAPH Asia, a conference and exhibition for computer graphics and interactive techniques held every year in the Asian continent. Dr. van Kaick joined the School Of Computer Science at Carleton University in 2014.

Research Group

Graphics, Imaging, and Games Lab (GIGL)