Photo of Rahel Ytbark

Rahel Ytbark

Umoja Black Community Engagement Program - High School Coordinator

Rahel joins Umoja as the High School Coordinator. She is responsible for support African, Caribbean, and Black (ACB), youth in their transition from high school to post-secondary. The coordinator will work with Ottawa Catholic School Board (OCSB), Ottawa Carleton District School Board (OCDSB), and other youth-based or serving organizations for lead the development and delivery of Umoja’s mentorship programmings and events targeted for ACB high school students.

Hometown: Ottawa

Length of time on campus: Two years

Hobbies: Drawing, volleyball, soccer and going for a hike

Best part of being in Ottawa: It has a diverse welcoming and supportive community so you can meet anyone

What is your advice to new Carleton students: It’s a great way to meet new people. Also, make sure to seek out and utilize campus resources early on. Whether it’s academic advising, tutoring centers, mental health services, or extracurricular activities, these resources can help you navigate the transition, support your well-being, and enhance your university experience. Getting involved and seeking help when needed can make a significant difference in your academic success and personal growth.