Parking Services and Sustainability are excited to announce the availability of an electric vehicle charging station on campus. The charging station is available in Parking Lot 9 (located beside Robertson Hall) and is available to all pass and day ticket holders for duration of charging your car. To officially launch this program we are holding a lunch-time event to highlight both the charging station and electric vehicles, to the campus community. Anyone who attends the event and tweets a selfie with one of the EV cars, will have a chance to win a Fitbit!

Date: Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016
Time: Noon to 2 p.m.
Location: Entrance to P9

We will be joined by the Electric Vehicle Council of Ottawa ( and will have both Kia Hunt Club and Nissan Hunt Club on campus offering test drives of their electric vehicles, the Kia Soul and Nissan Leaf. So take advantage and find out more about EV ownership and EV programs in Ottawa. If you plan to participate in a test drive, please bring your driver’s licence with you.