Carleton University is proud to be a key partner in the CityStudio Ottawa initiative that brings together students, faculty, city staff, and community members to co-create innovative solutions for urban challenges. Founded on the successful model established in Vancouver in 2011, CityStudio Ottawa aims to accelerate sustainability and community well-being by turning the city into a living classroom.

What is CityStudio Ottawa?

CityStudio Ottawa is designed to engage students in meaningful civic issues directly relevant to where they live and study. By working on real projects that address the City of Ottawa’s Community Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) Plan, students gain hands-on experience while contributing to the community’s health, safety, and inclusiveness.

How It Works

The CityStudio Ottawa model follows a collaborative project cycle:

  1. Convene: Municipal staff brainstorm potential collaboration opportunities.
  2. Match: Opportunities are aligned with relevant courses and partnerships are formed between faculty and city staff.
  3. Develop: Students, supported by CityStudio faculty and staff partners, work on their projects.
  4. Test: Projects are developed and tested within the community.
  5. Present: Students present their final deliverables, sharing their work with city staff and celebrating top projects with the community.

Why Get Involved?

CityStudio Ottawa offers a unique platform for instructors to enhance their courses with experiential learning opportunities that have a tangible impact on the community. By participating, instructors can:

  • Provide students with real-world challenges that enhance their academic learning.
  • Foster stronger connections between the university and the community of Ottawa.
  • Contribute to meaningful civic projects aligning with Carleton University’s sustainability and social responsibility commitment.

Learn More and Get Involved

We invite instructors and faculty members to explore the exciting opportunities that CityStudio Ottawa offers. If you are interested in integrating CityStudio into your course, please complete the form below to join our email mailing list and receive information.

  • Please enter a Carleton email address.