Photo of Hassan Bashir

Hassan Bashir

Assistant Professor

Degrees:Ph.D. (Texas A&M University)
Phone:613-520-2600 x 5066
Office:Room 2127
Dunton Tower

I am a political scientist specializing in Political theory and International Relations. My work focuses on the formation of the political within the context of intercultural interactions between the West and its cultural others, broadly conceived. From this root programme, my research has developed along two distinct branches. The first branch examines the politics of civilizational framing in both historical and contemporary contexts, contributing to the field of comparative political theory. The second branch extends this comparative approach to ethical concerns in a globalized world, particularly in non-Western traditions. My earlier work in this area examined the moral challenges faced by engineers who, as members of a global profession, are tasked with balancing local development goals with global responsibilities. More recently, my focus has shifted toward the ethics and politics of environment and sustainability. The developing focus of this work is on environmentalism in the Global South from the perspective of identity formation and climate change adaptability under conditions of extreme political, social, cultural, and economic affordability.   

Before joining Carleton, I was an Associate Professor of Political Science at Texas A&M University’s international branch campus in Qatar (TAMUQ). At TAMUQ, I developed and led research and teaching programs in Humanitarian Engineering and Professional Ethics. I also taught courses in Political Science, Humanitarian Action, and Professional Ethics. I have received substantial funding($2.3 million) from national agencies in Qatar, the United States, and local industries to support my research. At Carleton, I have taught courses on Ethics and Globalization (GINS 2000), Global and International Theory (GINS 3010), and Honours Seminars in Global and International Studies (GINS 4090).


Honours and Awards

Fulbright Fellow

H.B. Earhart Fellow

Select Publications


Europe and the Eastern Other: Comparative Perspectives on Politics, Religion and Culture before the Enlightenment (Lexington Books, 2013)

Edited Volumes

Gray, Kevin, Bashir, Hassan and Keck, Stephen. (Eds.) 2016. Western Higher Education in Asia and the Middle East: Politics, Economics, and Pedagogy (Lexington Books)

Bashir, Hassan and Gray Phillip W. (Eds.) 2015. Deconstructing Global Citizenship: Political, Ethical and Cultural Perspectives (Lexington Books)

Murphy, Colleen, Gardoni, Paolo, Bashir, Hassan, Masad, Eyad and Harris, Charles Ed. (Eds.) 2015. Engineering Ethics for a Globalized World. (Switzerland: Springer)

Bashir, Hassan and Roye, Sushmita (Eds.) 2014. Experiencing Otherness: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary.Net & Brill) E-book

Bashir, Hassan, Gray Phillip W. and Masad, Eyad. (Eds.) 2013. Coexisting in a Globalized World: Key Themes in Inter-professional Ethics (Lexington Books)


Nawaz W. and Bashir, H. “Managing the unintended consequences of radical sustainability innovations: The case of catastrophic failure of leaded gasoline industry” Journal of Cleaner Production Vol. 375, Fall 2022

Galindo, K. B., Eslami Z. R. and Bashir, H. “Culture’s Influence on Social Network Vulnerabilities for Ethnic Minorities in Rural Disaster Events” Journal of International Humanitarian Action, Fall 2018

Bashir, Hassan and Gray, Phillip W. “Arms of the Republic: Republicanism and Militia Reforms during the U.S. Constitutional Convention and the First Federal Congress 1787-1791” History of Political Thought, Spring 2015

Bashir, Hassan, “Umma” in Gibbons, M., Coole, D., Kennan, F. and Ellis, E. (Eds.) The Encyclopedia of Political Thought. (Wiley Blackwell, 2014) pp. 3749 – 3751

Book Chapters

Eslami, Z. R., Graham, K. M., & Bashir, H. “Higher Education in Qatar: a multi-dimensional analysis using the road-mapping framework” In S. Dimova & J. Kling (Eds.), Integrating content and language in multilingual universities. (Switzerland: Springer, 2020) pp. 115 – 129.

Bashir Hassan and Kevin Gray, “The Global University in the GCC: The Transfer and Transformation of Mission and Governance” in Gray, Kevin, Bashir, Hassan and Keck, Stephen (Eds.) Western Higher Education in Asia and the Middle East: Politics, Economics, and Pedagogy (Lexington Books, 2016)

Bashir, Hassan and Jehangir, Hamza Bin. “(Re) situating the West’s Cultural Others in International Relations Theory: Towards developing joint East-West Perspectives” in Bashir, Hassan and Gray Phillip W. (Eds.) Global Citizenship and Multiculturalism: Political Cultural and Ethical Perspectives (Lexington Books 2015) pp. 17 – 37

Bashir, Hassan and Jehangir, Hamza Bin, “Others are US: Decontextualizing Strangers in the International Arena” in Experiencing Otherness: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. (Eds.) Hassan Bashir and Susmita Roye (Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary.Net & Brill, 2014) Pp. 143 – 150