In their third year, BGInS students normally complete the following:

Core Courses

Image of a student looking over skyline of Lisbon, Portugal while on International Placement

International Placement – Lisbon, Portugal

GINS 3010 Global and International Theory
This course is an advanced analysis of global and international theory from a variety of theoretical perspectives, many of which will have been introduced in earlier core courses.

GINS 3020 Places, Boundaries, Movements and Global Environmental Change
In GINS 3020 students will examine the relationship between individual places and global social and environmental changes.

International Experience Requirement (IER)

It is one thing to study a part of the world, and is another to have an immersive international experience. For this reason, the BGInS program features an international experience requirement as an integral part of the program. Many students find that international experiences are enriching and even life-transforming. As well, current research shows that students who have international experiences incorporated into their studies can often have a competitive advantage in the workplace.

The third year of BGInS is when many students complete their International Experience Requirement. In preparation for the IER, students should:

  • Attend information sessions
  • Complete their Travel Registry
  • Submit the necessary documents for their chosen International Experience, as required