2022 Teachers’ Workshop Information

The 2022 edition of the workshop was held on February 18, 2022. Here is the agenda as well as the presentations from the workshop (with links to slides, videos and materials):


9:00 – 9:15      Welcome and Introductions, Professor Crina Viju-Miljusevic, Chair, Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (EURUS), Carleton University 

9:15-10:05      “An Introduction to the European Union”Professor Crina Viju-Miljusevic

10:10 -11:00   “Russia, EU and NATO on a Collision Course? What Role for Canada?” by Joan DeBardeleben, Chancellor’s Professor, EURUS and Co-Director, Centre for European Studies, Carleton University

11:00-11:50     “Teaching Digital Literacy: Social Media, Online Hate, and European-Canadian Identity” by Aimee Brown, PhD student and Dani Carron, PhD student, Department of History, Carleton University

11:50-11:55     Closing remarks 

Additional materials available:

“Taking Action Against Transnational Hate: A Teacher’s Guide to Canadian and International Online Resources” (video on Youtube) and Teacher’s Guide (pdf) by Dr. David Y. Clement, Lecturer, School of Social Work and Carleton University.

Overview of EU Learning Project “Studying EU in Canadian High Schools” (video on Youtube) by Ali Maolud, MA student, EURUS and Research Assistant, Centre for European Studies, Carleton University.

Lesson Plan: “The Origins and Implications of Brexit” (video on Youtube) by Ali Maolud, MA student, EURUS and Research Assistant, Centre for European Studies, Carleton University.

The Teachers’ Workshop is organized by the Centre for European Studies Jean Monnet Project “EU Learning in Canadian High Schools”. Jean Monnet Project activities are co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and by Carleton University.