March 31 is a major reporting deadline for many of our research funds. To prepare for year-end, now is a good time to do some financial

house-keeping. Some things you may wish to do to prepare for year-end include:

  • Double check your funds to ensure that encumbrances are correct.
  • Review the activity in your fund for accuracy. Any changes you would like to make should be sent to your fund administrator by March 15.
  • Double check the term of your fund. If your fund is terminating on March 31 and you require an extension, contact your funding agency before March 31 with your request.
  • Consider whether there are any items to be purchased that need to show on the current year’s report. To be included on the report theitems must be received by Carleton and invoiced by the vendor before March 31.
  • Check your compliance expiry dates and deadlines for applying to have them renewed if necessary.

Please keep in mind that year-end is a very busy time of year for the Business Office. In order to assure processing of cheque requisitions and travel expense reports before your reporting deadlines, please send them to Research Accounting no later than March 15.

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