In our last communication, we asked for volunteers to be early adopters for the October launch. We received requests from over 21 departments!  In these first few weeks we will be delivering training sessions specifically for the volunteers.  Stay tuned next month for notices about “open” training sessions. In the meantime, start thinking about whether you would like to save a spot for you and/or your department in Round 2.

Save the Date!

If you’re not quite ready to jump right in, and instead want to learn more about eShop and our vendors, come out to the eShop Vendor Showcase from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. on Nov. 19 in the River Building Conference Rooms and Atrium. Dining Services will be showcasing their new menu and there will be draws for prizes! Be sure to watch Today@Carleton for details and our vendor blog series which will highlight the various eShop vendors!

Very important to note!

  • All paper cheque requisitions, purchase requisitions and internal chargeback (ICB) forms can be submitted electronically once you become an eShop user. But not to worry – the forms will be phased out gradually by June 2016.

Watch for more information about how to sign up to become a participant in Round 2 (Feburary/March 2016).

On behalf of Purchasing Services and Financial Services,

The eShop Team