The Zika virus infection is caused by the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito, with approximately 1 out of 4 infected people developing symptoms of the disease, which are usually mild and can last 2-7 days. Symptoms include acute onset of fever with maculopapular rash, arthralgia, or conjunctivitis. Neurological and autoimmune complications are infrequent, but have been
described in the outbreaks in Polynesia and, more recently, in Brazil.

Because of uncertainty about the effects of the virus on the fetus during pregnancy, and the possible association with microcephaly, the Public Health Agency of Canada {PHAC} has issued a travel advisory to Zika affected countries. PHAC recommends:

  • Pregnant women and those considering becoming pregnant discuss their travel plans with their health care provider to assess their risk and consider postponing travel to areas where the Zika virus is circulating in the Americas.
  • If travel cannot be postponed, then strict mosquito bite prevention measures should be followed to protect themselves against bites.”

The following links provide additional information about the areas affected by the Zika virus and prevention measures.

Preventing mosquito bites