As on-campus activity increases and travel and in-person events resume, please be reminded of the following policies when planning and/or making purchasing decisions:

  • Hospitality and Working Meal Expenses policy:
    • Invoices or reimbursements for alcohol expenses cannot be charged to the university, unless pre-approved by the VP Finance & Administration under exceptional circumstances.
    • For major events where the service of alcohol is deemed necessary, a Request for Provision of Alcohol at Events form must be submitted to the Vice-President (Finance & Administration) prior to the event.
    • Cash bars are allowed at university-funded events and do not require approval of the Vice-President (Finance & Administration)
    • Any event covered by university operating funds that is expected to cost more than $2,500 must be pre-approved in writing by someone in a role senior to the host of the event.
    • Itemized receipts must be provided as supporting documentation – credit card slips are not sufficient.
    • A list of attendees and their affiliation must be provided for both events and working meals.
  • Travel and Related Expenses policy:
    • Infrequent travelers (two or less trips during the previous fiscal year) must obtain written pre-approval from their immediate supervisor.
  • University Funded Gifts, Recognition and Donations policy:
    • Gift cards cannot be given to employees.
  • Procurement policy:
    • Purchases of goods or services over $10,000 require additional steps prior to committing to the preferred vendor.

If you have questions about the first three polices, please contact  For more information regarding the Food Services or Procurement policies, please contact

Thank you for helping to ensure that the university is operating in accordance with governing legislation and Canada Revenue Agency regulations.