Below are upcoming events as well as announcements that may be of interest. (A bulletin will be sent out each week with upcoming events and announcements.) Departmental events are also posted on our website.



TONIGHT: January 31, 2018

Career Night for History Majors: Plan for the Future, While Studying the Past

Are you tired of being asked what you can do with a History degree? Or have you asked yourself that same question? Or do you have concrete questions about work, volunteer or study abroad opportunities?

If so, you’ll want to join us at the Career Night for History Majors. We’re assembling some of our recent graduates and current students to show you what they are doing with their History degree.

Come learn about their experiences first-hand and gain practical advice about how to plan for the future. We’ll also have experts on hand from across campus to tell you about the sorts of programs you can take advantage of while pursuing your degree. Join us to learn:

  • How you can pair your studies with on-the-job experience through the co-op education program and the History department’s practicum placements
  • How you can enrich your studies by spending a semester abroad
  • How campus and community volunteer opportunities as well as alternative spring breaks can help round out your educational experiences
  • How Carleton’s career counselling services can help you prepare for life after your degree

And you’ll have lots of opportunities to meet our current students and to learn about their experiences. Come hear about how they’ve made the most of their undergraduate degrees.

Don’t miss out on the door prizes! Or the snacks!

When:  January 31, 2018   6:00pm—8:30pm (doors open at 5:30 pm, presentations start at 6:00)

Where: Dunton Tower (DT) room 2017, Carleton University

Let us know you’re coming. RSVP at

Questions? Contact Professor Michel Hogue (

TONIGHT: January 31, 2018

Human Rights in Mexico event

Crisis and Courage in Mexico 

  • Wednesday, January 31, 7 to 9 pm
  • 608 Robertson Hall (Senate Room)
  • 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa

Join us for an evening of inspiring storytelling and solidarity around human rights in Mexico with:

  • Magui Quevedo and Martha Camacho of Mexico’s National Movement for our Disappeared;
  • Alicia Bustamante, Otomi Indigenous rights defender in San Francisco Xochicuautla
  • Mariano Machain of SERAPAZ, a peacebuilding organization recognized with the 2017 National Award for Human Rights in Mexico

Sponsors include: Latin American and Caribbean Studies program, Carleton University; Amnesty International, Americas Policy Group of the Canadian Council for International Cooperation, and SERAPAZ, Mexico

For more information contact:

February 3, 2018

Canadian Forces Artists Program Roundtable

Come hear the experiences of artists who record the actions of Canadian soldiers in Canada and around the world.

The Diefenbunker Museum and the Canadian War Museum, are hosting exhibitions highlighting the works of members of Canadian Forces Artist Program (CFAP). In conjunction with these exhibitions, the Diefenbunker is presenting an artists’ roundtable. Moderated by Dr. Joanne Stober, Historian of War and Visual Culture at CWM, eight artists who were members of CFAP’s most recent group (Group 7) will discuss their experiences on the program.

Event Details:

Date: Saturday February 3, 2018

Time: 1:pm – 3:30pm

Cost: $11.50 (includes tax), includes a highlights tour of the museum

Advance ticket purchase is strongly recommended online or in person at the Diefenbunker

Location: 3929 Carp Road, Diefenbunker Museum, Cafeteria


February 5, 2018

EU Enlargement in the Western Balkans: The Rise of Stabilitocracy

On behalf of the Jean Monnet Chair in EU Relations with Russia and the Eastern Neighborhood, you are invited to attend a guest lecture and panel discussion, “EU Enlargement in the Western Balkans: The Rise of Stabilitocracy,” with Professor Florian Bieber, on Monday, February 5, 2018, from 3:00-5:00PM in the Senate Room, 608 Robertson Hall, Carleton campus. The lecture will be followed by a roundtable discussion. (campus map here) Dr. Bieber is Professor of Southeast European Studies and the Director of the Centre for Southeast European Studies at the University of Graz, Austria. This event is free and open to the public. No registration is required. View the attached poster or visit the website: .



History Department Brown Bag Occasions

The History Department invites you to a series of Brown Bag Occasions taking place in our History Lounge (433 Paterson), starting at 12:30. Bring your lunch and join us for any of the following talks:


February 8, 2018

Documentary film screening and discussion

Screening and discussion of the documentary film Home in a Foreign Land (Casa en Tierra Ajena)

Please join us this Thursday, February 8, 6pm

303 Paterson Hall

Free admission

The film explores the factors that lead to the forced migration of Central American migrants, their experiences of intense repression during their journeys, as well as the networks of solidarity and support that develop.

We will be joined by the film’s producer, Dr. Carlos Sandoval García, whose book “Exclusion and Forced Migration in Central America: No More Walls” (Palgrave, 2017) inspired the film. Dr. Sandoval García is a professor of communication studies at the University of Costa Rica.


February 9, 2018

Black History Month Event: Public Lecture, From Old to New African Diasporas

Time: 6:30 pm — 8:00 pm
Location: Paterson Hall, 303, Humanities Lounge

Public Lecture: “From Old to New African Diasporas: The multiple difficulties of untangling displacements and identities”, Professor Pablo Idahosa, York University

About the Event: The event will be hosted by Sarah Onyango Host/Producer, CHUO 89.1FM.

Wine & cheese reception to follow.

RSVP Required.

For more information see:


February 9, 2018

Clean Energy and Climate Policy: An Exchange of Experiences , Views and Visions for the Future

You are invited to attend the launch event of the Jean Monnet Network on EU-Canada Relations (, “Clean Energy and Climate Policy: An Exchange of Experiences , Views and Visions for the Future” Policy Workshop, with international scholars, on Friday, February 9, 2018, from 9:30AM-5:30PM, in the Second Floor Conference Room, Richcraft Hall, Carleton campus. (second attached poster) Registration is required to attend (register here) and a light lunch will be available for registered attendees. To view the current agenda, please visit: .

February 9, 2018

Works-in-Progress workshop with Philip Kaisary

Our next Works-in-Progress workshop will take place on Friday February 9th.  The featured presenter is Carleton’s law professor, Phillip Kaisary. The discussant will be Meredith Terretta, from the University of Ottawa. The workshop topic will be: The Haitian Revolution and Socio-economic Rights. Same time – 12:00 – 2:00pm. We hope you will join us. Further details for this event are in the attached poster, and lunch is provided by us!

The series is a monthly workshop featuring discussions about faculty papers whose scope spans issues of global and international relevance.  Papers are pre-circulated to workshop registrants. The goal of the works-in-progress series is to provide a forum for in-depth engagement and exchange on cutting-edge issues of global significance. We strive to have a lively, challenging and thought-provoking seminar and invite you to join us in providing an informative forum of discussion for a multidisciplinary audience, sharing at least one common interest, namely globalization and/or internationalism – whatever that means to you.

If you would like to register for the February 9th workshop or for any of the upcoming workshops in this series, or if you have general questions, please contact


February 13, 2018

Feminist Incubator Series

We are pleased to invite you to the next session of the Feminist Incubator Series, which will take place on Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at Carleton University, from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm,  Dunton Tower 1419 (boardroom). Coffee/tea and snacks will also be provided.
Please find in the attachment the submission to be discussed: “Storytelling Methodologies: Centering Women’s Experiences or Exploiting Marginalized Bodies in the Academy?”

We’d love your feedback on this idea! We’d like to thank Manjeet Birk for her submission to this series.

If you have any questions, please email me:  Hope to see you there!


February 15, 2018
Wayne Cox Talk – Against All Odds: Contemporary State Formation and the Case of the Kurds

Thursday, February 15, 2018, 3:00 – 4:30 p.m., A602 Loeb

Dr. Wayne S. Cox, Associate Professor, Department of Political Studies & Fellow, Centre for International and Defence Policy, Queen’s University


February 16, 2018

The Evidence Room Looks at the Role Architecture Played in the Holocaust

The Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism is displaying The Evidence Room in its Lightbox Gallery on campus until February 16.

The Evidence Room is an ambitious and powerful reconstruction of key architectural elements of Auschwitz, and takes a look at the disturbing relationship between architecture and the horrors of the Holocaust.


February 26, 2018

Liberal International Institutionalism on the Decline? Rethinking African Treaty Withdrawals

The Faculty of Public Affairs presents the 2018 FPA Research Excellence Award Symposium: Liberal International Institutionalism on the Decline? Rethinking African Treaty Withdrawals with Speaker Kamari Clarke.

February 26, 2018 at 1:00 PM to 5:30 PM

2nd floor conference rooms Richcraft Hall

Register Here  |  Event Program

Space is limited and advance registration is required. 


March 15-17, 2018

Underhill Graduate Student Colloquium

The Underhill Graduate Student Colloquium is one of the longest running history graduate conferences in Canada. In March 2018, the Department of History, Carleton University, will be hosting the 24th Annual Colloquium. This year’s theme, “Storying Our Pasts: Historical Narrative and Representations” highlights historical output and means of storytelling. We hope to draw on different methodologies in a self-reflexive dialogue about how historians present and share their research.

See attached document for more details about the colloquium.


Seeking Expressions of Interest for Student Governors

The Carleton University Board of Governors is seeking Expressions of Interest from students to fill four (4) vacant positions as a Student Governor for the 2018/2019 Board Year by February 16, 2018.

Carleton University’s Board of Governors is responsible for the government and management of the University. If you’re interested in serving an important role in the governance and the future of Carleton University, Canada’s Capital University, consider running for a seat on Carleton’s Board of Governors.

Want to learn more? Attend a Board 101 Session:

February 12, 2018, from noon to 1 p.m. or February 14, 2018, from noon to 1 pm

More details (including location) and to register go to of governors/elections-nominations

Board of Governors Award for Outstanding Community Achievement

The Board of Governors has established an annual award entitled “The Carleton University Board of Governors Award for Outstanding Community Achievement”.

This award recognizes the spirit of student volunteerism and substantial community contribution while at Carleton University.

The award recognizes voluntary involvement and is intended primarily to honour non-academic work. Nominees/applicants must be successfully pursuing a full-time program of study, in a graduating class at Carleton University and be in Good Academic Standing. Preference will be given to all graduate and undergraduate nominees/applicants with an overall CGPA of 7 (B-) or higher, in a graduating class.

Individuals may be nominated for this award by:

  • A member of the external community;
  • A member of the faculty/staff;
  • A fellow student;
  • The student him/herself.

A cash award in the amount of $2,000 will be awarded to the recipient.

Nominations and applications for the award shall be considered by a jury convened for that purpose.

Learn more

Applications for I-CUREUS are Open

Conduct research in your area of interest while getting paid for it. I-CUREUS offers you the opportunity to gain hands-on experience to add value to your resume or degree.

Internship-Carleton University Research Experience for Undergraduate Students (I-CUREUS) is offered by the Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) and the Discovery Centre. It offers students the opportunity to receive up to $2250 for faculty-supervised research funding. Half is funded by the Discovery Centre and half by the faculty supervisor.

Applications are still open for the Winter 2018 term.

For more information and how to apply, visit the Discovery Centre website.


Scholarship opportunities from the Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research

The Royal Canadian Legion awards an annual entrance scholarship of $30,000 ($15,000/year for 2 years) to a Master’s level student specializing in research related to Veterans and their families.  Please share this information with students, including undergrads applying to graduate programs.

Call for Submissions

The Great Lakes Journal of Undergraduate History, in cooperation with the Department of History and the History Students’ Association at the University of Windsor, welcomes submissions relating to any historical topic for the sixth volume of The Great Lakes Journal of Undergraduate History, to be printed and published electronically in September 2018. The deadline for submissions is February 26th, 2018.
We look forward to receiving submissions from talented undergraduate students from across the region. Please review the attached document for detailed submission guidelines. If you have any questions, please reply to this email at your convenience.
Our website is – feel free to review previously published material for an idea of what we are looking for.