Complete the following steps prior to your departure to Ottawa so you can thrive when you arrive!

New International Graduate Students also need to access the Checklist for New Graduate Students by visiting the Grad Student website.

Steps to Follow Before You Arrive in Ottawa

Four students sitting in front of a Richcraft Hall sign, standing behind a table covered in Canadian flags and prizes.

The Top 5 Before You Arrive

  1. Apply for your study permit immediately after accepting your Offer of Admission.
  2. Note important dates and deadlines within the New Student Checklist available through the Registrar’s Office.
  3. Register for the I-Start Orientation program on Brightspace for all incoming international students. (Course launch on July 3, 2024)
  4. Register for International Winter Welcome: January 9th and 10th, 2025
  5. Register for Ask Us Anything Session.
  6. Register for classes on Carleton Central.
  7. Make copies of your identification and other important documents. Make note of where you store copies for safe-keeping.
  8. Download the Carleton mobile app.

Bonus Tip: Check your Carleton University e-mail regularly for important university updates.


  • Find a place to live. Apply to live on campus on the Housing Services page OR visit the off-campus living resource page.
  • Will you be quarantining upon arrival in Canada? Be sure to pack a universal or travel power adaptor for any technology you are bringing in the event that your technology does not correspond with voltage or plugs in Canada.



  • Learn what is included in your mandatory University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) and consider travel insurance for the journey to Canada.
  • Pack important medical records and order extra prescription medication you may need.

Campus Life

Navigating Ottawa

Specific Resources for Undergraduate, Graduate, and Exchange Students

  • New graduate students should access the Checklist for New Graduate Students at the New Grad Student webpage.
  • New exchange students will be sent a Checklist for Exchange Students and a How to Prepare for Your Studies Guide by the Incoming Exchange Program Coordinator.